• Berlin Airlift

  • Creation of the United Nations

  • London Conference

  • Warsaw Uprising

  • Warsaw Uprising

  • Yalta Conference

  • Death of President Roosevelt

  • Potsdam Conference

  • Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers

  • The Long Telegram

  • Iron Curtain Speech

  • Period: to

    Outbreak of Greek Civil War

  • Pro Soviet Front Wins Elections in Poland

  • Truman Doctrine

  • Creation of Bizonia

  • Marshall Plan

  • Establishment of Cominform

  • London Coference

  • Czechoslovakian Coup

  • Berlin airlift

  • Establishment of Nato

  • Establishment of FRG

  • Establishment of GDR

  • China falls to Mao and the communists

  • Formation of the Socialist Unity Party in Germany

  • Outbreak of the Korean War