Period: to
Cold War
Truman approves development of H-Bomb
This was a huge development in the Cold War because it was the beggining of the Arms Race with the Soviet Union. This aproval also lead to hundreds of bombs being tested by the US. -
Joe MaCarthy begins Communist Witch hunt
This event was very impactful due to the large fear that citizens had of Soviet forces invading America. There were may resulting trials leading to the impresonment of Soviets "Spys". -
US enters Korea
US enters the Korean War which was largely impopular with US citizens beacuse of the small impact it had on them. Many people called this the forgotten war due to the lack of coming home parades and celebrations. -
Federal Civil Defence Administration Established
FCDA, This was formed by Harry Truman and it planned to build fallout shelters during the cold war. In its later years, it focused on evacuation stratagies. -
Britian Develops A-Bomb
This development was alarming becasue of the amount of nuclear technoolgy that was being created by many different countries -
US Tested 11 Bombs in Nevada
The US tested 11 bombs in Nevada to further the advancments in nuclear war. This gave a sense of confidence to Americans as they had shown the world their true power. -
Korean War Ends
This is the end of the first proxy war and the end of the Cold war. -
President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace Speech
Gave many Americans hope that Atomic weapons could bring and end to conventional war which they had lost so many fellow citizens to throughout, WWI, WWII, and Korea. This speech also made atomic weapons seem less "scary" to the average American. -
KGB established
The was very significant because of the increased suspition in the US of communist spys and fear of secret information being lost. -
CIA Intervention
CIA overthrows unfriendly governments in Iran and Guatamala. In this action, the CIA is interfering in its favor within nations of the third world. -
Vietnam Split at 17th parrallel
This event is the beginning of the Vietnam war, prior to US and Soviet involvement. The Vietnamese civil war between Capitalism and Communism had begun. -
Warsaw Pact
Treaty between states of Central and Eastern Europe. The Warsaw pact created the largest communist power in the world and was an opponent to both the NATO and the US. -
Soviets launch first man made Satalite
This started the Soace Race with the US and created large amounts of fear of Soviets wepons capabilities. -
Sputnik launched into orbit
This Soviet Satallite being launched into orbit meant that the Russians now had the means to launch rockets and missles into space. Many Americans were fearful that the Soviets would be able to spy on the American weapons tests -
Cuba taken over by Fidel Castro
This meant that a nation very close in proximity with the United States was now under communist control. This would later climax during the Cuban Missle Crisis. -
France Developes A-Bomb
Yet another nation that is allied with the United States now has nuclear weapons. This now means all nations occupying Germany had full nuclear capabilities. -
John F. Kennedy elected President
The changing of presidents yet again, meant that Americans would face a new era of diplomatic relations to other nations. Kennedy would later be assassinated by who many believed to be a Soviet Spy. -
East Germany Builds Berlin Wall
Created a phyisical divison between communist east and the free west. Oppressed people in the east y forcing them to abbid to communist rule. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
This brought the fear closer to home to America compared to the soviets. This created massive amounts of fear within the US because f the threat brought on my Cuba. -
Kennedy is Assassinated
This shocked the US citizens because this was the first time in many years that the President was assassinated. Many had theories about the shooter being a Soviet Spy. -
China Tests First Nuclear Bomb
The was big becasue this was the second communist country to have nuclear abbilities. Te furthered or fear of communist countries. -
US Marines Sent to Dominican Republic
This brought fighting closer to home yet again asnd made American citizens fearful of what could happen due to this military advancement. -
Announcement of America sending 200,000 troops to Vietnam
This meant that America was now sending in hoards of men to keep Vietnam from falling to a Communist Dictatorship. It was also disliked by Critics who believed that America was spending too much on this war. -
US sends troops to South Vietnam
Beginning of the second proxy war. This was also the begginging of the Vietnam war. -
North Korea Capptured USS Pueblo
This victory for Korea made America in an uneasy state. They saw that they were capible of things that cold be threatning towards the US. -
Marshall Plan
The United States in an attempt to isolate communism in eastern Europe, gave aid to European countries that were devastated by the second world war. This was crucial to the Cold War as it gave America many new allies. -
Soviet Red Army Crushes Czech Uprising
Significant because the Russians kept communism in Czechlasovakia. -
Nixson Elected President
This gave America new hope for the future of their country. Nixson brought many new ideas for the citizens of the US. -
Apollo 11 lands on the moon
America has won the space race by sending its rocket to land on the moon. This event shows how the cold war actually had many positive effects upon science. -
US Supported Coup overthrows Chilean Government
The United States once again interfered in third world nations in an attempt to secure its own interests. This meant that the Cold War was slowly spreading to all nations of the world. -
Fall of Siagon
US lost Vietnam to communist rule. The war as a whole was a significant moral loss for the US. -
Helsinki Accords
An attempt to improve relations between the Communist bloc and the West. Helsinki Accords pledged 35 nations to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and to work together for science.