The Berlin Blockade
On June 24, 1948, the Soviet Union cut off surface road access to Berlin, initiating the Berlin Blockade, which cut off all non-Soviet food, water and other supplies for the citizens of the non-Soviet sectors of Berlin. At the time, West Berlin had only 35 days supply of food, and 45 days supply of coal. Because Berlin was located entirely within the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany, the only available methods of supplying the city were three limited air corridors. Drastic personnel. -
(the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was ratified. The treaty, intended as a safeguard against the threat of Soviet aggression, provided for a collective self-defense and was designed to encourage greater political and economic cooperation in the Atlantic region. The original Western democracies that joined were the United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal. -
Hydrogen Bomb
President Truman approved the development of the hydrogen bomb. in reaction of Russia's successful nuclear tests, the United States develops even more powerful hydrogen bomb, The United States tested the hydrogen bomg in the fall 1952 with spectacular results in an island. -
The Korean War Begins
Russia supported North Korea, which invaded South Korea equipped with Soviet weapons. South korea was allied with the United States. The Soviets and the North Koreans wanted to attack South Korea. However the United States defended them from any attacks. -
Space Race
The Soviets launched Sputnik 1 which started a space race and caused a Rivalry between the two superpowers becuase both countries wanted to be seen as technological superior. -
Then Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba prompted the U.S. to blockade Cuba, the United States agreed to remove U,S, missiles from Turkey and promised not to attack Cuba. When the United States did that the Soviet leaders did the same afterwards. -
They agreed that they were going to limit the number of weapons and the kinds of testing. Under water testing, testing in space, or on the land weren't allowed. -
Soviets Invade Afghanista
Russia worked to support or fought the pro-communist government of Afghanistan while we supported the insergency that was trying to take over the government. -
The U.S. Boycotts Moscow Olympics
To protest Russias involvment in Afghanistan, the U.S. Boycotted the Moscow olympics. This was contreversial because until that time the Olynpics were beeing seen outside of politics. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The fall of the wall signaled to the world that the Soviet era was officially over. It was an overwheling event for the people in East Berlin and all the Soviet nations. East and West Germany was re-united in just a few years.