Cold War

  • October 4, 1957 - Soviet Launch Sputnik

    October 4, 1957 - Soviet Launch Sputnik
    The Sputnik was a artificial satellite the size of a beach ball. It was launched on October 4, 1957. This marked the start of the space age, and the US-USSR Space Race. A Space Race is to see who can achieve first in spaceflight capability. The Space Race is based off of a Nuclear arms race that happened in World War II.

    This symbolizes the main idea of the Cold War because it is related to arms race, just dealing with space. This is one way they wanted to show power, just without a war.
  • 1972-1979 - Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)

    1972-1979 - Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
    This was a negotiation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. This was to negotiate the restrain of the arms race. A treaty was signed during this period. This treaty was the (ABM) treaty.It regulated anti-ballistic missiles that could be used to destroy incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles.
    This symbolizes the main idea of the Cold war because it talks about the arms race that was going on, and a treaty to solve it. This was a good way to try to feel more safe about what was happening.
  • 1979-1989 - USSR Invades Afghanistan

    1979-1989 - USSR Invades Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to stop any anti-communist groups/people. The Government was than ran by two groups that split up, that were once one group called the “People’s Democratic Party”. 30,000 troops were sent to invade. The soviet Union wanted a new faltering client state.
    A Brinkmanship was used by the Soviets to stop anyone believing in Anti-Communism, and planning against them. This was done so that the Soviet Union could keep its spot on the top. This is a proxy war.
  • 1983 - US Invades Grenada

    1983 - US Invades Grenada
    On October 25, 1983 the Marines invaded Grenada to secure safety for the U.S., and the Grenada government was overthrown. Grenada has been a concern to American Officials since 1979. Because of protesters fighting with the government, violence escalated. This was a small attack with little casualties.
    The brinkmanship is shown on how the U.S. is invading for safety. It also shows containment, trying to contain communism from spreading.
  • 1989 - German Reunification/Fall of Berlin Wall

    1989 - German Reunification/Fall of Berlin Wall
    This was an unexpected downfall in the German Democratic Republic, that was caused by the decay of other communists. During this time the Berlin wall was breached (Taken down). A news conference was mistakenly aired, to let East Germans go to West Germans, and this was effective immediately.
    This shows containment, not letting communism go far during the fall of the Germans. The fall was making communism go down with so many people protesting.