
cold war

  • WW2 end

    USA uses atomic bombs on japan to end ww2, Hiroshima August 6, Nagasaki August 9. After that Japan surrendered and the war ended.
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    Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Stalin blocked the supply route to Vest Berlin. So the Vest flew the supplies with ariplanes. The planes made arround 300 000 flights.
  • USSR Tests First Nuclear Weapon

    USSR tests thier first nuclear weapon "RDS-1" in Semipalatinsk (modern day Kazakhstan)
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    Korean War

    The Korean war started by North Korea's suprise attack on Soulth Korea. it was a war between the communist north and the capitalist south. the south was winning but china was afraid that they might just keep goning so they stepped in, the south considerd sending a nuke but they didnt want to risk it because the communists had nukes as well. when China stepped in they pushed the south back to where it started.
  • US Tests First Hydrogen Bomb

    US detonates thier first hydrogen bomb at the mashall islands (500 times more powerful than nagasaki).
  • The Space Race Begins

    The space race began when the Soviet Union and the Us announced that both of them wanted to send a satellite into space
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    Vietnam War

  • The first man in space

    Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space
  • USSR tests Tsar Bomba (biggest bomb in the world)

    The Tsar Bomba was 1400 times stronger than Hiroshima and Nagasaki together.
  • First humans to step foot on the moon

    The members of Apollo 11 were the first humans to step foot on the moon. (Neil Armstrong, Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin and Michael Collins)