Cold War

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    Berlin Airlift

    Western countries delivered food and supplies to the city of Berlin because all trade routes were blocked off by the Soviet Union.
  • Creation of NATO

    NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization and it involves the US, Canada, and several European nations. It was created to provide security against the Soviet Union.
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    Korean War

    War fought between North Korea and South Korea. It started when North Korea invaded South Korea.
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    The Soviet Union formed an alliance as a counter act to an organization called NATO.
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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam war was a conflict between Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Other countries also joined the war in support of certain countries.
  • Sputnik

    The first man made spacecraft was launched into space. It was launched by the USSR which put them in the lead for the space race.
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    A concrete wall constructed by the German Democratic Republic. It was built to cut off West Berlin from East Germany and East Berlin.
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    A major confrontation that almost caused the soviet union to go to war with the US due to the presence of a soviet nuclear armed ballistic bomb in Cuba.
  • Moon landing

    The US landed on the moon and it was the first time anybody had ever walked on the moon. It put the US ahead of the Soviet Union in the space race.
  • Destruction of Berlin Wall

    East Berlin's communist party announced that citizens of the GDR were free to cross the country's borders.