Berlin Blockade
The U.S response to the Soviet Union putting the missiles in Cuba. The blockade would show strength without backing the Soviet Union into a corner in which its only options were to give in to American demands or to retaliate using its own weapons. -
Formed by the Western European countries, United States and Canada, they agreed that any country in the NATO is attacked, would be considered as all of them being attacked. -
Korean War
The Soviet Union insisted the North Koreans to have a communist government; the Americans encouraged South Korean to have a government that favored capitalism. The North Koreans were armed with Soviet Union weapons and tanks; South Korea was overrun by this so the United States aided and supported South Korean by the order from President Truman. At the end of the Korean War left Korea divided just like it was before the war; the Americans were pleased because communism stayed in North Korea. -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact called for military cooperation among the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, and East Germany. If any one of these nations was attacked, the others promised to come to its defense. -
Vietnam War
America joined and helped the South Vietnamese from North Vietnamese from overtaking the South Vietnamese government for turning it into a communist government. The war did not go well for South Vietnam and America because the American soldiers could not tell the enemy and allied soldiers apart. Americans protested that this war was unfair, destructive, and unwinnable. -
Bay of Pig Invasion
When the CIA invaded the Cuban beach in the Bay of Pigs. When nothing went as planned; the Cuban people did not rise up in revolt, and the invaders were quickly killed or captured. -
Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was to prevent East Germans from fleeing into West Berlin, the two cities were between this wall. On the eastern side, was armed guards stood ready to shoot anyone trying to escape freedom in West Berlin. For the next 30 years, the Berlin Wall served as a grim symbol of a divided Europe. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Khrushchev sent Soviet advisers and weapons to Cuban, which also included nuclear missiles. In October 1962, U.S. spy planes photographed secret missile bases built by the Soviets in Cuba. Then President Kennedy demanded the Soviets to remove their missile bases in Cuba. Later he declared that the United States would consider any missile attack from Cuba as an attack from by the Soviet Union. -
President Ronald Reagan
In the beginning President Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union as an "evil empire", but in his second term he softened towards them because there was a new leader in the Soviet Union named Mikhail Gorbachev, who took office in 1985. -
Mikihail Gorbachev
He came into power hoping to reform the communist system and make it work better. He reduced the size and power of the soviet military.