Cold War

  • Rock and Roll

    the popularity of rock and roll resulted in a powerful impact on society.When Jazz, Blues and country were all combined it created this music type. Elvis Presley was one influencing young adults with them feeling more independent and disobedient towards their parents.
  • Air Conditioning

    many of the central changes in our society after ww2 wouldn't have been possible if an ac was not keeping homes and workplace cool.
    everyome wanted a cool room and so the ac helped all the people with hot rooms including in the hot south
  • Polio vaccine

    Jonas Salk developed the 1st effective polio vaccine in 1952. his vaccine was tested in the Francis field trail when it began it involved approximately 4,000 children , but would grow to eventually involve around 1.8 million children across the 44 states of america. It was the largest medical experiment.
  • The Friendships 7

    is a capsule that john Glenn went to space in and he was the first america to orbit the earth. it led to mercury into earth orbit and enable glenn to circle the earth 3 times
  • 2nd Great Migration

    The migration had dealt with the African Americans , over 5 million left from north to the south and southwest. They left do to similarity of the 1st migration but mostly for the jobs that continued to . The states offered skilled jobs in the defense industry after the war mass production was needed America had become a highly urbanized population.
  • Pres Kennedy "Moons Speech"

    "We choose to go to the moon" was delivered by JFK it was of Kennedy earlier speech meant to persuade he American people to support the national effort to land a man to the moon and return him back safely
  • G.I Bill

    It gave serviceman chances to go to colleges and trade schools or buy houses of business. because serviceman used the money to buy houses to start families making mass productions on houses in urban areas