Cold War

  • World War 2 Ends which also ends American Soviet Cooperation

  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift increases tensions

  • Truman establishes the Marshal plan to contain communist expansion

  • creation of NATO to deter an aggression from the soviet

  • Korean War begins

  • Warsaw Pact as a response to NATO through collective security

  • Krushchev calls for a peaceful co-existence

  • Hungrian Uprising

  • Berlin wall is built to prevent further western expansion

  • Cuban missile crisis almost leads to nuclear war

  • Prague Spring ends, Soviet Union Invades

  • Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty is signed

  • Helsinki Accords provide a degree of detente during the Cold War

  • Vietnam War Ends

  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

  • Solidarity trade union organizes pro-democray movements in Poland

  • Berlin wall is torn down, a year later Germany is reunified

  • START is signed to reduce number of nuclear weapons being created as a form of detterence

  • Warsaw Pact is dissolved some members seeking to join NATO

  • Soviet Union ceases to exist, effectively ending the Cold War