World War 2 Ends which also ends American Soviet Cooperation
Berlin Blockade and Airlift increases tensions
Truman establishes the Marshal plan to contain communist expansion
creation of NATO to deter an aggression from the soviet
Korean War begins
Warsaw Pact as a response to NATO through collective security
Krushchev calls for a peaceful co-existence
Hungrian Uprising
Berlin wall is built to prevent further western expansion
Cuban missile crisis almost leads to nuclear war
Prague Spring ends, Soviet Union Invades
Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty is signed
Helsinki Accords provide a degree of detente during the Cold War
Vietnam War Ends
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Solidarity trade union organizes pro-democray movements in Poland
Berlin wall is torn down, a year later Germany is reunified
START is signed to reduce number of nuclear weapons being created as a form of detterence
Warsaw Pact is dissolved some members seeking to join NATO
Soviet Union ceases to exist, effectively ending the Cold War