
Cold War

By kunuza
  • Fidel Castro taking over

    Castro and many unhappy of Batista informer ruler of Cuba way of running the country. He used the military and the economically wealth to support his power. In 1933 Castro attempted to overthrow the government but was captured and stayed in passion for 15y. 1955 he was released. In Mexico he gain support to overthrow the government. Finally in 1959 be become prime minister.
  • Soviet creation Nuclear weapons

    The nuclear age began before the cold war. During world war II, three countries decide to build the atomic bomb. Britain, United States, and Soviet union. Befor 1945 Soviet effort was small.The Britain and American project was were driven by the fear of German atomic bomb, but Germany decided in 1942 not to make serious effort toward atomic bomb. US were afraid of USSR expansionism. With US testing it first Nuclear weapons bomb on July 16,1945.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Yalta Conference This event take place in feb 4-11,1945 at this conference FDR winston churchill, and joseph stalin made a huge decisions concerning future progress of the war and past war.As a result of this meeting Germany was divided into two.Yalta conference helped lead to the cold war by giving soviet unions control over eastern Europe.
  • Hirshima bombing

    The batteke kasted form Aug 6-9 1945 whoch were the last stage of world warll. On may 8 the war in Eroupe had enede,but the pacific continuted.Janpan attacked pearl Harbour. President Truman signed the potsdam declaration. Japan ignored the warning.the atomic bomb took place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They chose Hiroshima based on military and industry city. This all broughtworld to nuclear revaluation
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    This conference occurred july 17,1945 in this meeting it was decided that vietnam would be divided at the 17th parallel. Germany would be demilitarized, nazi war criminals would be prosecuted and the soviet unions would receive reparation. Stalin had come to believe more strongly the united states and Great britain were conspiring against the soviet union's.
  • The Molotov Plan

    The molotov plan was a system created by the SU in 1947. It provided aid to rebuild countries in eastern Europe that were aligned to the SU in economic and political ways.Soviet Unions democracy invasion, Stalin immediately pulled molotov from meeting in paris for the marshall and increased pressure on government and satellites to reject the marshall plan. Molotov plan reduced the influence and power of communism.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    They decision to provide economic and military. They support Anti communism in Greece and turkey to prevent communism parties from taking control of each country. It underline the US foreign policy containment.Also the turkey and Greece bought a "terms" to have more power. This effect the cold war because the spirit of liberalization is getting bigger than communism. Also US helped them fight against communism through expansionism
  • Brussels Ttreaty

    Brussels treaty was agreement that is sgined by Britain, France,Belgium, Netherlands,and Luxembourg in 1948.A goal of the treaty was to show that western Eroupe State could cooperate,thus encouraging the United States to play a role in the security of western. Brussels treaty was intitianted by five country in western after ww2 had much military power of this country.
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan occurred April 1948. it was the American programs to Aid Europe in which the U.S gave over $12 billion support to help rebuild west European economically after the end of WWII in order to help prevent Soviet expansionism. Marshall plan reduced the influence and power of communist parties in western European.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Joeph stalin put a blockaed on berlin beacuse the U.S had unified west Greamny and got currency. Berlin was closed from June 24,1948 to 1949. Berlin nobody can enter or exit,and nobody in the Berlin had electricity because of this ,the U.S created the Berlin. Everything is pilots air dropped food and between to people in Berlin for 15 months. Berlin is important to cold war because Soviet union limit the ability of France and great Britain to travel to their sectors of Berlin.
  • NATO

    It is found NATO primary purpose was to unify and strengthen the western Allies military response to possible invasion of western European by the soviet union. It make the communist start reacting.This effect the cold war because the Western European nation and US get together from NATO while the satellite States and soviet union get together and make the war saw the pact. this could be containment because they are keeping the problem from getting bigger.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Korean War began in june 25,1950 to july 27,1953.It was the result of political division of korea by agreement of the conclusion of the pacific war.However, Communism does spread to North korea.This significant to cold war because it was the first armed conflict in the cold war.This was also the first time the U.S was willing to use the military to kill in order to keep communism from spreading and the Soviet Union's was willing to send troops to expand their communism.
  • Joseph Stalin death

    Joseph Stalin death
    Joseph Stalin help create atmosphere of Military Strength that drove conflict in the cold war.Also he did propaganda against Capitalism.This opportunity for Expansionism of communism was growing and the cold war was getting more cold.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam is a country just south of China soon they are be cooming communist and non communist force. At the end of ww2 Vietnam was still part of the French colony of Indochina. In few years communist led rebels know as viet long rise up against the southern government.The US entered in Vietnam war to help them first the provided military and training. The war continues......
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact the communism revenge to NATO, the US alliance. And it was a the Warsaw alliance and a collective defense treaty between the Soviet Union and seven Eastern Eroupe countries. The Warsaw Pact came to be seen as quite a potential or militaristic.druing cold war may 1955 Warsaw Pact to become a symbol or Soviet union dominance in Eastern Eroupe.
  • Period: to

    Hungarian Revolution

    There was a big protest against Liberalism and they wanted communism. The sphere of Communism is getting bigger. Because the won the soviet union won new communism parties. They were fighting for expansionism
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    Cuban missile Crisis

    In the 1959 a right wing dictator of the Cuban supported by the USA was overthrown by fidel castro . some exiles ,supported by the CIA tried to overthrow the castro regime in the bay of Pigs.This is an example of Brinkmanship and Deterrence.
  • Bay Pigs

    Bay Pigs
    The CIA began training cuban exiles from florida to go and overthrow castro. 1500 cuban exiles from Cuba invade at the Bay of Pigs some were killed or taken prisoner the invasion was very unsuccessful. This effect the cold war people were get killed in that time. Brinkmanship is used here because this could have caused a war.
  • Creation of Berlin wall

    On August 13,1961,the communist government of the German democrtict Republic began to build a barred wire and concrete Antfactischer schutwall, between Earth and west Berlin,the official purpose of this Berlin was to keep western "fascits" from entering Earth Germany and undermining the socialist state. In many ways it was perfect symbol of the " iron curtain"
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    Berlin Wall falling

    The Berlin wall it buillety by east Germany. Berlin was divided into zone of occupation after the war. West Berlin was an Island of democratic capitalism in a sea of Communism and because a huge embarrassment to the USSR when the USA refused to give up west Berlin.This effect cold war because the soviet union blockaded west Berlin after western allies performed,The soviet union took the blockaded down then the western own their own. This is an example of a Liberation Movement.

    North American Aerospace Defence Command. It is defences organization Canada and U.S created which responded to cold war threat of nuclear missile strike against these country. After war ended SU start expanding Communist.
  • Nuclear Arms Treaties

    Nuclear Arms Treaties
    This limited anti-Ballistic missiles and froze intercontinental missiles .This missile treaty was between US and USSR. This is detente because it was an effort to decrease tension.
  • Sovite/Afghan

    9 years of conflict from Dec,1979- Feb 1989. Approx 99.97% are Muslim. Isamic customs are extremely infulnce in Afghan society. sovite and Afghan friendship long term political instability in Afghanistan. Insurgecies and revolts among the anticommunism Muslims led to outbreaks of violence,prompting sovite assistance. On Dec 24,1979 the Soviet began to deploying troops to Afghanistan. Dec 27 Soviet invaded Tajbeg presidential palace and killed Hafuzuallah Amin.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Solidarity in Poland
    Their were trade union formed Rejecting communism the believed in liberalism. This effect cold war because the sphere of liberalism is getting bigger. This is expansionism because liberalism is getting bigger
  • Czechoslovakia Revolution

    Czechoslovakia Revolution
    This a big revolution between Soviet Union and capitalist countries. The Czech people revolted to remove Communism and come began liberalization. This affected the cold war by making the sphere of liberalism bigger in communism countries. This is expansionism because they were fighting against communism
  • End of Cold war

    End of Cold war
    Cold war was about conflict between United States and Soviet union, both world superpowers. The cold war was full of uncertainty between the two superpowers. It all began in 1947 and carried on for 44 years. During the period of time people were destroyed in nuclear disaster. Dec 1991 US President George H.W Bush and Soviet union President Mikhail.S officially pronounced war is over.