Cold War

  • Second Red Scare

    Second Red Scare
    After the war was over, the United States recieved many immigrants and Americans were very concerned that those immigrants would bring Communist beliefs with them. It was common for U.S. citizens to believe that these beliefs would seep their way into everyday American life. These notions were brought to life once again by Senator McCarthy, this time was also known as McCarthyism.
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    World War two is finally over and American Troops are headed home. Once troops arrived back home, they were encouraged to purchase homes and start families. Germany was broken into three separate parts for the Allies that had fought in the war, Britain, France, United States, and the Soviet Union.
  • Soviet Union Becomes a Major World Power

    Soviet Union Becomes a Major World Power
    Once WWII was over the Soviet Union was now a major world power who's beliefs centered around Communism.
  • President Truman Enforces his Foreign Policy

    President Truman Enforces his Foreign Policy
    As the Soviet Union's influence grew in Germany, President Truman took a new stance on his foreign policy and that was to contain radical ideologies.
  • Eastern Germany is cutoff from other parts of Germany due to being under the control of the Soviet Union.

    Eastern Germany is cutoff from other parts of Germany due to being under the control of the Soviet Union.
    Stalin closed all routes into Berlin because of an anti-communism attitude growing throughout the rest of Germany, this is also known as the Berlin Blockade.
  • Airlifts providing food were dropped

    Airlifts providing food were dropped
    Just after the Soviet Union began the Berlin Blockade, the United States and Enlgand began dopping food and water to citizens, and this lasted approximate three hundred days.
  • NATO Was Created

    NATO Was Created
    On this day, the United States and 11 other western countries created NATO. It was an alliance created to help protect each one of the participating countries, should one member be attacked it would be as if they all had been attacked.
  • The Federal Republic of Germany

    The Federal Republic of Germany
    In responce to the differing ideals between the Soviet Union and the rest of the western world, France, United States, and Britian created a seperate territory from the side of Germany that the Soviet Union controlled. These two sides of Germany would later be seperated by the Berlin wall.
  • Beginning of the Korean War

    Beginning of the Korean War
    In 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea in an attempt to over power and continue the spread of Communism. The United States did not see that as being in our best interests, and so we sent troops to assist in pushing back the North Koreans. However, the time came to decide whether to continue pushing north, in which case the United States would risk dragging both China and the Soviet Union into the battle.
  • End of the Second Red Scare

    End of the Second Red Scare
    After the war was over, the United States recieved many immigrants and Americans were very concerned that those immigrants would bring Communist beliefs with them. It was common for U.S. citizens to believe that these beliefs would seep their way into everyday American life. These notions were brought to life once again by Senator McCarthy, this time was also known as McCarthyism.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    In response to NATO being formed by the United States and other Western Countries, the Soviet Union and other Communist Nations created the Warsaw Pact. It was similar in the idea that if one member was attacked, it was as if the others had been as well.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    Both the Soviet Union and the United States were in a hurry to beat the other to space. Many technologies were created during this time and NASA recieved much more funding to help speed the process.
  • Fidel Castro takes control of Cuba

    Fidel Castro takes control of Cuba
    In 1959, Fiden Castro overthrew the government, shortly after he requested help from the Soviet Union after being denied assistance from the United States. He then implemented and forced the ideas and practices of communism onto the people of Cuba.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    In an attempt to oust Fidel Castro, the United States sent in ex-Cubans to try and start a miliary coup. Unfortunately, Fidel Castro was ready for them and approximately 100 men died and many others were captured. This only fueled Castro's desire to work with the Soviet Union.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    A wall was constructed to keep the citizens of Berlin within city limits, prior to the wall being constructed many citizens would flee to other parts of Germany to be able to lead free lives.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    After multiple attempts of trying to oust Fidel Castro, he finally agreed to work with the Soviet Union. The Soviets were going to build or install missiles and missile launching sites. The United States found out fairly quickly and acted to halt the building of missiles.