cold war

  • dwight d

    dwight d
  • lyndon johnshon

    lyndon johnshon
  • china civil war

    china civil war
    loyal forces fuaght each other
  • kennedy

  • francis powers

    flew u 2 spy plane
  • united nations

  • ww2 end

    ww2 end
  • iron curtin speech

    sinews of peace adress
  • truman doctrine

    400 million in economic assistance
  • marshall plan

    economic recovery
  • berlin airlift

    The Berlin Blockade was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of post
  • nato

  • ussr atomic bomb test

    russias first atomic bomb test
  • korean war

    korean war
  • stalins death

  • end of korean war

    end of korean war
  • seato

  • warsaw pact

    aliance with eastern euroupe and ussr
  • veitnam war

  • h bomb

    h bomb
    first usa nucular bomb test
  • eisenhower docterine

    Eisenhower Doctrine, (Jan. 5, 1957), in the Cold War period after World War II, U.S. foreign-policy pronouncement by President Dwight D.
  • sputnik

    first satalite in space
  • mad plan

  • bay of pigs

    bay of pigs
  • cuban missile crisis

  • jfk shot

    jfk shot
  • moon landing

    moon landing
  • soviots invade afganastan

  • u.s boycott of olympics

    u.s boycott of olympics
  • miricle on ice

    miricle on ice
  • nixon