Cold War

  • Truman is re-elected

    Truman was re-elected as President, he made a fair deal where he will be extending social security benefits,increasing the minimum wage,set funds to construct low-income houses.
  • Origins of the Cold War

    After WW2 had ended, the US emerged as rival superpowers. The Soviet Union was communism and they controlled all property and economic activity. The United States was a Capitalist system and the private citizens controlled almost all economic activity.
  • Berlin Crisis

    Berlin is in Germany and after the war it was divided into the East and West. The Soviets cut off the Train and Highways to access Berlin to the rest of Germany, in a attempt to force West to surrender its portion of Berlin.
  • Marshall Plan

    Helped rebuild to rebuild Communism. 12.5 billion in aid sent to 16 countries, Western Europe flourished and the appeal to Communism by the people was gone.
  • Truman Doctrine

    $400 million for Greece and Turkey to help fight Communism, they needed to protect any free people from outside of Communist pressure.
  • Warsaw Pact

    This is a USSR and its answers to NATO(Western Europe troops.) this packed united the eastern European countries.
  • Korean War

    North Korea was a communist while South Korea were democratic. North Korea invaded South Korea when they believed that the UN would allow it. General MacArthur forced the Northern Korea army to retreat almost entirely out of North Korea, until the Chinese army intervened with 300,000 troops.
  • Domino Theory

    The US believed if one nation fell into communism, then its neighboring nations would fall as well.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Fidel Castro overthrew Cuba's military dictator, Fulgencio Batista. The US supported Castro until he seized American-owned properties in Cuba and established a communist regime, with the US support lacking, Castro allied himself with the Soviet Union.
  • McCarthyism

    Joseph McCarthy the Wisconsin senator conducted senate committee hearings in which he would be accused by government officials,actors,writers,educators, and others of being Communist sympathizers.
  • Impact on Life in the US

    People began to make and build fallout shelters in case the Soviets launched a nuclear attack. Schools even conducted nuclear attack drills and taught students how to duck and cover in the event of a missile strike.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched the first satellite into space, which orbited Earth. The US feared that the Soviets could have the ability to launch a bomb from space.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Castro feared the future US invasion and allowed the soviets to secretly put nuclear weapons in Castro, just 90 miles off the coast of Florida. The US eventually discovered the missile and told the USSR to remove the missile out of Cuba.
  • Berlin Wall

    Many Eastern Berliners began to flee into West Berlin because of the hardships of life. Nikita Khrushev, the successor of Joseph Stalin became determined to stop this by building a wall between the two Berlins.
  • The Vietnam War

    It started in 1954 and it was a South and North type of War like in Berlin. The War was a very unpopular war considering the amount of Vietnam people's lives were lost. The US citizens began to protest and deny the draft card about this War.