Cold war 20 events

By tdm5087
  • Yalta Conference

    Meeting between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin to decide what would happen at the end of the war. Topics discussed included -
    Partitioning of Germany
    Fate of Poland
    The United Nations
    German reparations
  • V E Day

    Victory in Europe as Germany surrenders to the Russian army.
  • Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference formally divided Germany and Austria into four zones. It was also agreed that the German capital Berlin would be divided into four zones. The Russian Polish border was determined and Korea was to be divided into Soviet and American zones.
  • Nagasaki

    he United States dropped the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
  • V J Day

    The Japanese surrendered bringing World War Two to an end.
  • Hiroshima

    he United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima
  • Vietnam Independence

    Ho Chi Minh proclaimed Vietnam an independent republic.
  • Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

    Churchill delivers his 'Sinews of Peace' speech which contain the famous phrase " iron curtain has descended on Europe"
  • Truman Doctrine

    President Truman promised to help any country facing a Communist takeover
  • Marshall Plan

    his was a programme of economic aid offered by the United States to any European country. The plan was rejected outright by Stalin and any Eastern Bloc country considering accepting aid was reprimanded severely. Consequently the aid was only given to Western European Countries.