Cold war 1970-1979

By nairg
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is ratified and entered into force.

    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is ratified and entered into force.
  • Four Power Agreement Berlin

    Four Power Agreement Berlin
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty signed between the US and USSR.

    Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty signed between the US and USSR.
  • The United States had withdrawn from the Vietnam war.

    The United States had withdrawn from the Vietnam war.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
  • Cambodia Killing Fields

    Cambodia Killing Fields
  • Mao Zedong dies; Cultural Revolution ends.

    Mao Zedong dies; Cultural Revolution ends.
  • Carter becomes president.

    Carter becomes president.
  • The Camp David Accords- Arab-Israeli peace

    The Camp David Accords- Arab-Israeli peace
  • Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan

    Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan