North Korea captured U.S.S. Pueblo
Propaganda and Media in USSR Cinema
The villain would always be the enemy of your country's movie. -
Treaty on the non proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is open for signatures.
To promote peace cooperation between countries. -
Invented by the company called Intel.
Programming intelligence into inanimate objects became possible.
Can make better simulations. -
President Richard Nixon visits China
President Richard Nixon visits China. -
U.S. supported coup overthrows Chilean government.
South Vietnam falls to Communist forces.
1976 Feb. SoSoviet and Cuban forces help install Communist government in Angola.
Roy Jenkins becomes the president of EECC
During this time, UK was discussing and were voting whether or not they should join the EECC but Roy Jenkins felt the need of having UK involved with other European Nations in order to better their country as well. Him becoming the president furthermore pushed this even more. -
China and EEC has it's first trading agreement
China and EECC made its first trading agreement which helped improve their country and promote peace between the countries. Helping eachother grow economically and sharing their countries techonological advances -
New Monetary system EMC.
Germany felt the need of creating a new monetary system in order to surpass America's techonological advances and monetary system.
They created the EMC which is used even now. -
Soviet Red Army invades Afghanistan
Polish shipyard workers strike, Solidarity Union formed.
Techonology Internet was invented
It was invented for military usages.
US felt like the techonology development was behind the USSR. -
US invades Grenada
Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union, the following year he declares glasnost and perestroika.
Dopplar Radar
It can detect the motion of target in the war.