Cold War 1945 to 1991

  • Yalta conference

    A talk with president Roosevelt and Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin.
  • Potsdam conference

    With two leaders and president Truman.
  • Truman doctrine

    A private goal of containing Soviet geopolitical expansion.
  • Marshall plan

    Known as the European recovery.
  • Berlin blockade began

    it began during the Cold War.
  • nato North Atlantic treaty organisation formed

    Establishing a treaty.
  • Korean War began

    It lasted until 1953.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    the Soviet Union and seven of its European satellites.
  • Hungarian revolution

    it’s a force against the republic of Hungarian.
  • Russia first country to put a human into space

    it was the first person on space.
  • Bay pigs invasion

    Failed the landing operation.
  • Berlin Wall built

    Two day after seeing the east and West Berlin.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Italy and turkey were matched by Soviet developments.
  • First us troops sent to Vietnam

    Us marines landed in south Vietnam.
  • Neil Armstrong first man on the moon

    first person to walk on the moon.
  • Us troops pulled out of Vietnam

    passed by Congress on august 13 1973
  • Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan

    action carried in 1979.
  • Solidarity movement in Poland crushed

    Using methods.
  • Gorbachev advocated a policy of glasnost and perestroika

    Economic reform to demand Gorbachevs resignation.
  • Soviet troops leave Afghanistan

    Singed a peace accord with Afghanistan.
  • Fall of the wall

    It happened on November 9 1989.
  • East and west Germany reunited

    East and west Germany came together.
  • Warsaw Pact ended

    Declared the end on February 25 1991
  • Strategic arms reduction treaty signed by Russia and USA

    Treaty between Russia and the United States.
  • Russia formally recognized the end of the Soviet Union

    Marked the end of the Cold War.