Cold War 1945-1955

  • The Percentages Agreement

  • Most Eastern European States Liberated By The USSR

  • Period: to

    Yalta Conference

    Agreed that:
    Germany would be divided into 4 zones, and so would Berlin.
    The United Nations Organisation would be formally ratified.
    The USSR would gain land from Poland and Poland would be expanded.
    A Declaration on Liberated Europe should be created. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin.
  • German Surrender and end of WW2

  • Period: to

    Potsdam Conference

    Attlee, Truman, Stalin.
    USA now had nuclear monopoly- detonated first atomic bomb the day before. Agreed that:
    Germany would be disarmed/demilitarised.
    De-Nazification would occur.
    Decentralisation of the political system would take place.
    Freedom of speech/press/religion would be reinstated.
    The USSR would receive reparations from its own zone and 25% more from the western zones. There was disagreement over how the Declaration on Liberated Europe would be interepreted/applied (Poland).
  • Atomic Bombs Dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Japanese Surrender and End of WW2 in Asia

  • Polish Elections

    Communist-led Democratic Bloc wins the Polish Elections
  • Kennan's Long Telegram

  • Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

  • Greek Civil War Begins

  • Bulgarian elections

    Communists win 75% of the popular vote in Bulgaria.
  • Romanian elections

    Communists win 80% of the votes in Romania.
  • Bizonia Created

    The British and US zones in Germany are merged to create Bizonia.
  • Period: to

    The Moscow Conference

  • Truman Doctrine on Containment Begins

  • Marshall Plan Announced

  • Cominform Created

  • Period: to

    The London Conference of Western Powers.

  • Communists Control Czechoslovakia

  • Deutsche Mark Introduced as the Currency of Bizonia.

    New currency introduced into the Western zones of Germany and West Berlin and the West Germans authorised to draft a constitution for a new German state.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

  • NATO Formed

  • Berlin Blockade Ends

  • The German Federal Republic (FDR) Formed

  • USSR Tests First Nuclear Weapon

    USA loses Nuclear Monopoly.
  • Truman Approves NSC-68 Recommendations

    NSC-68 stressed the urgency of building the USA's political, economic, and military power. Focused on military application of Containment.
  • Communist Victory In Chinese Civil War

  • The German Democratic Republic (GDR) Formed

  • Idea of A Strategic Defence Perimeter Suggested

    By Dean G. Acheson, who was Secretary of State from 1949-1953.
  • Stalin Agrees To Supply NK With Military Equipment

  • Sino-Soviet Alliance Created

    China forms military alliance with the USSR.
  • NSC-68 Presented

  • North Korea Invades South Korea

    UN demands the withdrawal of North Korean withdrawal. One cause was the fact that both Kim Il Sung and Syngman Rhee wanted a united Korea under a single leader, and both were ready to use force to get power.
  • Chinese Forces Enter The War On The NK Side

    300,000 troops sent.
  • China Joins North Korea In Its War Against South Korea

  • Truman Dismisses McArthur

  • First Attempts At Peace Negotiations Proposed

    Korean War
  • San Francisco Peace Treaty Between Allies And Japan Is Signed

  • Eisenhower Becomes President

  • Stalin Dies

  • Final Peace Agreement Reached In Korea

  • Geneva Conference

    Decided that Vietnam would be split at the 17th Parallel until elections were held.
  • West Germany joins NATO

  • The Warsaw Pact is Created

    Established closer links between the USSR and the satellite states. Military, economic, and political reinforcement.