Cold War- 1945-1949

By AK3
  • Final Meeting of the Allied Leadership

    Final Meeting of the Allied Leadership
    The Final meeting of the Allied Leadership takes place. The borders between Germany, Poland, and the Soviet Union were readjusted.
  • Period: to

    Cold War- 1945-1949

  • President Roosevelt Dies

    President Roosevelt Dies
    Former President Roosevelt dies because of Polio.
  • Atomic Energy Act Signed

    Atomic Energy Act Signed
    The Atomic Energy Act was signed into play by the current president Harry Truman.
  • Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

    Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
    Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech is given in Fulton, Missouri talking about the symbolic divide in Europe between communism and democracy. He also talks about the dangers of the Soviet Union expanding and growing in power.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    George C. Marshall announces the “Marshall Plan” in which America offers financial aid to European countries that were in financial crisis because of the war. The Soviets did not agree with the policy because they would not receive money from it.
  • Truman Doctrine Speech

    Truman Doctrine Speech
    President Harry Truman gave the speech outlining the Truman Doctrine which basically started the Cold War since it was at the Soviet Union talking about how the United States was going to stop communism in Europe blocking the Soviet Union’s influence.
  • Start of The Berlin Blockade

    Start of The Berlin Blockade
    All railroads, canals, and roads are blocked off from the Russian sector of Berlin by Stalin in the Allies’ sectors of the city. This ended all friendly relationships between the Soviets and the Allies.
  • Berlin Airlifts

    Berlin Airlifts
    After Berlin was cut off from water, transportation, and supplies, the only way fo the Allies to support their sectors was to fly over Stalin’s blockade to give food and supplies to the people of Berlin.
  • NATO is Established

    NATO is Established
    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is established. It is an international organization that unites the armies of many countries including Britain and the United States. It was founded in Washington DC. It was created for form a national security against the Soviet Union.
  • China Becomes Communist

    China Becomes Communist
    China becomes communist. Leader Mao Zedong declares the creation of the PRC (People’s Republic of China). This ended the civil war between the Communist and Nationalist parties.