Cold War Timeline

  • Hiroshima/Nagaski Bombing

    Hiroshima/Nagaski Bombing
    Who : The Americans sent over two nuclear bombs to the Japanese.
    What : Americans killed around 200 000 people with a nuclear weapon in Japan,
    Where : Hiroshima, Japan. Nagaski, Japan.
    Affect on liberalism :It got Japanese to surrender quickly
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    What : A meeting for the World War 2 allies to discuss the division of Germany
    Who : Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill
    Where : Livadiya. Yalta
    How it effects liberalism :it led to the beginning of the cold war.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    What : Germany surrenders, the start of the Cold War.

    Who : Truman, Stalin, Churchill
    Where : Potsdam, Germany
    Effect on liberalism : conference led to the cold war
  • Molotov Plan

    Molotov Plan
    Who : Soviet Union and Eastern Countries
    What : aid to rebuild eastern countries that were aligned with the soviets.
    Where : USSR, russia
    Effect on liberalism :established economic alliance with socialist countires
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Who: Truman Doctrine
    What: A doctrine to support the anit-communist forces in Turkey and Greece.
    Where: in Greece and Turkey
    Liberalism: ended the greek revolt.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Brussels Treaty
    What: A treaty that said that if a countrie were to be attacked by the soviets the other countries would assist them.
    Who: Britan, France, Luxemberg, Netherlands.
    Where: Brussels, Belgium
    Liberalism: created a collective defensive alliance.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Who: US Sectretary Geroge Marshall
    What: a 13 billion dollar plan created to help Eurpoean countries after the war.
    Where: The United States
    Liberalism: encouraged liberal-democratic systems in Europe.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Bloackade

    What: international crisis, the soviets blocked the western allies road and canals.
    Who: Soviets, united states, great britain, france, berlin
    Where: Berlin
    Liberalism: major role in aligning the united states with the west
  • NATO

    What: an alliance for Europe and North Ameritca
    Who: canada, hungary, belgium, UK, united states, etc
    Where:belgium, brussels (headquarters)
    Liberalism: stopped the spread of communism
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Who: North and South Koreans
    What: Conflict between north and south Korean, 2.5 million dead
    Where: Korea
    Liberalism:affected international political relations.
  • Death of Stalin

    Who: Joseph Stalin
    Where: Kuntsevo Dacha
    What: Stalin died after suffering a stroke and not receiving medical attention in time.
    Liberalism: ?
  • Warsaw Pact

    What: Defense treaty created by the soviet union and seven other soviet states
    Liberalism: ended soviet dominance
    Who: Soviets, Eastern Europe (Poland, Romania, Hungary)
    Where: Warsaw, Poland
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Who: cambodia, north and south voetnam
    Where : Vietnam, Cambodia
    What: Conflict in Vietnam
    Liberalism : the US stopped conscription, decreased americas trust with their political leaders
  • Period: to

    Hungarian Revolution

    Who: Stalin's gov and Hungarians
    Where: Hungary
    What: It started as a student led demonstration against Soviets, a resistance began and a new gov was put in.
    Liberalism: european communism became weaker, less common

    What: provides aid for air sovereignty, aerospace warning
    Who: united states and canada
    Where: Colorado (headquarters)
    Liberalism: helped north america in the air, detected things
  • FIdel Castro takeover

    FIdel Castro takeover
    Who: Fidel Castro
    What: fidel castro wanted to overthrow Batista, started "the movement"
    Liberalism: cuba became a one-party communist state.
    Where: Cuba
  • Period: to

    Bay of Pigs

    Who: CIA and Cuban exiles from Florida
    What: the CIA trained Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro
    Where: Cuba
    Liberalism: changed and affected foreign policy
  • Creation of Berlin Wall

    Who: built by Soviets for Eastern Germans.
    What: a wall built by soviets to prevent east Germans from escaping, if they did escape they were shot.
    Where: Berlin, Germany
    Liberalism: reduced former damage within the Berlin economy.
  • End of Cuban Missle Crisis

    Who: Cuba
    Where: Cuba
    What: Khrushchev ordered a withdrawal of all missiles in cuba
  • Nucleaer Arms Treaty

    Nucleaer Arms Treaty
    Who: US and USSR
    What: international treaty to prevent the spread of nuclear bombs and other items.
    Where: Russia
    Liberalism: affects international relations.
  • Czechoslovakia Revolution

    Who: Soviets and Czechs, Alex Dubcek
    Where: Czechoslovakia
    What: Soviets led Warsaw troops to Czechoslovakia to crush the reform
    Liberalism: Dubcek started liberalization in Czechoslovakia when they came into power
  • Period: to

    Soviet-Afgan War

    Who: Soviets, Afghanistans
    What: Soviets invaded Afghanistan to help the Marxist-Afghan gov.
    Where: Afghanistan.
    Liberalism: left a well armed Afghan military, resulted in 9/11
  • Solidarity in Poland

    What: a trade union called solidarity.
    Where: Poland
    Who: polish people, Lech Walesa
    Liberalism: anti soviet movement happened.
  • Berlin Wall Falling

    Where: Berlin
    Who: Germany
    What: The wall falling symbolized the end of the Cold War.
    Liberalism : End of cold war
  • End of Cold War

    Who: Reagan and Gorbachev
    What: They became friends and the war ended. Berlin wall came down, borders opened, free elections started.
    Where: Eastern Europe
    Liberalism: changed global politics.