War ll

cold war

By Dawe
  • The Yalta conference

    The Yalta conference
    Britain, US and USSR met in Ukraine to remap Europe. At Yalta conference more liberalism was gained. This was due to the promise of free election that never happened. The mapping was done by the division of Germany into 4 sides it would be divided into four, controlled by U.S., British, French and Soviet military forces.
  • potsdam conference

    potsdam conference
    World war II came to an end, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and USA president President Harry Truman met in Potsdam Germany. The big three had plans and nogations terms for the end of world war II. The biggest effect of this meeting was they created a very unpromising peace for the moment. The big three had a stronger relationship.
  • Booming of Nagasaki

    Booming of Nagasaki
    1945 august 6 and 9 the US dropped an Atomic Bomb on the city of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in order to weaken the so they can end world war ll, this resulted in about 200000 death.

    Hiroshima the US dropped nuclear weapons on Japan the city of Hiroshima, The bombings killed around 226000. America felt like booming them will stop them from war so they decided to kill innocent people.
  • Molotov plan

    Molotov plan
    The molotov plan was created as a system to help rebuild countries in Europe politically and financially. The molotov plan helped spread communism the opposite from Marshalls plan.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    1947 A large group of anti communist force was created in Greece and Turkey. The group was created at a large cost up to 400 million dollar. this was to create a division between communism and capitalism. the goal was countries would buy poor countries by providing them with aid packages and make friends and get them to pick a side communism or capitalism.
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan
    The Marshall plan was mainly targeting the lower and upper class in Europe, this 13 billion dollar idea was to eliminate to much comminsusm. The soviets called it the dollar imperialism, Marshall was trying to get more capitalism into Europe. the opposition that support communism was invited to paris to discuss a plan called the molotov, USSR, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria,Czechoslovakia.and east Germany was invited. The biggest effect that it had was promise weren't guaranteed.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Brussels Treaty
    A form of agreamment between countries was signed saying if one of the members get attecked by the Soviet Union they would all respond with help. A year later US joins which makes it NATO.
  • NATO

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a group of countries signing a contract to join a collective security to defend each other. NATO was created because the communist were getting very powerful, The goal of NATO was to help members financial and military assistance. NATO increased liberty by a large number because their whole goals to aim of guaranteeing the freedom and security of its members through political and military.
  • Berlin Block aid

    Berlin Block aid
    The Berlin wall made to divide both sides of Germany, soviets wants to make west Germany weak so they cut off supplies water, electricity for about 2.5 million people that was not apart of the communist side of Germany
  • soviet creation of Nuclear weapons

    soviet creation of Nuclear weapons
    The soviets created nuclear weapons to defend against the US, The American and British military drew up plans for a possible war against the USSR. They proposed the bombing of major Soviet cities using nuclear weapons. this all because the the USSR a communist country wanted to expand.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was between North Korea and South Korea. The war began 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea following clashes along the border. This war was fought because one side was communist and the other was capitalist. North Korean the communist attacked south Korean the capitalist
  • Stalin's Death

    Stalin's Death
    Joseph Stalin the Premier of the Soviet Union at the age of aged 74 Joseph Stalin died after suffering a stroke. A big funeral was declared four days of national mourning Joseph Stalin death. Nikita Khrushchev took over and continued on with the communist group.
  • Warsaw pact

    Warsaw pact
    on may 14 1995 was created because none communist were joining NATO, the warsaw pact was basically an opposite side of NATO, also countries chose sides capitalist or communist. The warsaw pact was created due to Germany joining NATO.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The U.S. entered the Vietnam War in an attempt to prevent the spread of communism, but foreign policy, economic interests, national fears. The US likes to join wars and invade countries for the on interest. Communist forces ended the war by seizing control of South Vietnam.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    The Hungarian Revolution took place in Hungarian in 1956 a countrywide revolution against the communist Stalinist. The US had no interest in helping because they thought it was wasting their time and money. If the helped they wouldn't really benefit so they just left it alone

    North American Aerospace Defense Command was founded in United states of America,Government of Canada and the United States are in charge of NORAD, The reason NORAD was created was because of the arms race in world ll, communist countries and capitalist were all building nuclear bombs, NORAD is supposed to stop the Nuclear strikes in the air. NORAD is basically a military in the air both Canada and USA teamed up. NORAD kind invades privacy which hurts liberty.
  • fidel castro taking over

    fidel castro taking over
    After Cuban leader was over thrown, the group castro took over military and politic. The USA stepped in and took actions by cutting of countries earnings, they also tried to remove the castro by assiasntion.
  • bay of pigs

    bay of pigs
    The Cuban force, known as Brigade, landed at beaches along the Bay of Pigs and came across a shoot out. Cuban planes strafed the invaders, sank two escort ships, and destroyed half of air support. The bay of pigs was a failed mission. The US wanted to make Cuba capitalist which was a failuer, president John F Kennedy took fault and apoligazied.
  • Creation of Berlin wall

    Creation of Berlin wall
    With Germany being weak the Soviets and the US were wanting to divied Germany in half, The soviets bulit a wall to dived East Germany and West Germany. The wall was created so they can have a communist and capitalist
  • end of the cuban missile crisis

    end of the cuban missile crisis
    The cuban missile crissis was basically the face of the USSR and USA they were in a nuclear conflic that lasted about a month. the resona it ended was a soviet Nikita Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba.
  • Nuclear arms Treaties

    Nuclear arms Treaties
    in 1969 the US and the USSR me in Helsinki to get an agreements to end the arms race, this went on for 3 years and ended in 1972 when NIxon signed the strategic arms limitations treaty. the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.this was all to prevent another world war and a nuclear bomb that would whip out the earth.
  • Afghanistan soviet war

    Afghanistan soviet war
    The Soviet, Afghan War was a conflict where insurgent groups known collectively as the Mujahideen, as well as smaller Maoist groups, fought a nine-year war. the Soviets killed about 2 million afghan people.
  • solidarity in Poland

    solidarity in Poland
    An anti communist group took solidarity with a large number of people about 9 million members opposing the soviet government. The communist didn't like that they were angry, the group was so strong that the only think the soviets could do was negotiate. They agreement was an election which led to a large anti soviet movement, that eliminated communists.
  • Berlin wall falling

    Berlin wall falling
    The wall was built to divide two sides of Germany east and west Germany the east side was communist, The communist side would shot anyone that tried to escape. A pro democracy movement spreads across East Europe, in 1989 East Germany communist leaders left as soon as they left the Wall was taking down.
  • Czechoslovakia revolution

    Czechoslovakia revolution
    IN 1968 Alex became the leader and imposed liberalism, The communist didn't like that, The soviet's got angry and invaded the country with the assistants of members from Warsaw pack. They didn't want capitalist liberalism to spread so they stopped it.
  • End of cold war

    End of cold war
    In 1979 US leader Reagan and USSR leader Nikhil Gorbachev became friends and ended the cold war, officially in 1991 the cold war ended. The Iron Curtain was lifted and the Cold War came to an end.