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Cold war

  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was a U.S.-sponsored program designed to rehabilitate the economies of 17 western and southern European countries in order to create stable conditions in which democratic institutions could survive in the aftermath of World War II. It was formally called the European Recovery Program, and the Marshall plan ended on 06/30/1952. Harry Truman was the leader of the Marshall Plan.
  • Berlin Blockade/Airlift

    Berlin Blockade/Airlift
    The crisis started on June 24, 1948, when Soviet forces blockaded rail, road, and water access to Allied-controlled areas of Berlin. The United States and United Kingdom responded by airlifting food and fuel to Berlin from Allied airbases in Western Germany. Leonid Brezhnev and Harry Truman were involved. 05/12/1949 was the end date.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The competition began on 2 August 1955, when the Soviet Union responded to the US announcement of their similar intent to launch artificial satellites. The Space Race has its origins in the nuclear arms race between the two nations following the Second World War. The race ended on 07/17/1975. Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard were involved.
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    The Suez Canal is a significant route for energy, commodities, consumer goods and componentry from Asia and the Middle East to Europe. The canal's location also makes it a key regional hub for shipping oil and other hydrocarbons. One million barrels of oil traverse the Suez daily. The Suez Crisis was an event in the Middle East in 1956. It began with Egypt taking control of the Suez Canal, which was followed by a military attack from Israel, France, and Great Britain. Ended on 11/07/1956
  • U-2 incident

    U-2 incident
    U-2 Incident, (1960), confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union that began with the shooting down of a U.S. U-2 reconnaissance plane over the Soviet Union and that caused the collapse of a summit conference in Paris between the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France. Nikita Khrushchev and Harry Truman ended in the same day.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    The Bay of Pigs invasion begins when a CIA-financed and -trained group of Cuban refugees lands in Cuba and attempts to topple the communist government of Fidel Castro. The attack was an utter failure. Eisenhower ordered the CIA to train and arm a force of Cuban exiles for an armed attack on Cuba. John F. Kennedy and Che Guevara were involved. The attack was ended on 04/20/1961.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    In 1962 the Soviet Union began to secretly install missiles in Cuba to launch attacks on U.S. cities. The confrontation that followed, known as the Cuban missile crisis, brought the two superpowers to the brink of war before an agreement was reached to withdraw the missiles. Main people were Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev. November 20, 1962
  • Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Non-Proliferation Treaty
    The NPT is a landmark international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. On 05/11/1995 the Non-Proliferation Treaty was extended indefinitely. Leonid Brezhnev and John F. Kennedy were involved.