Yalta conference
Conference between Churchill, Stalin, FDR
U.N established and the division of Germany and Berlin into four zones. -
Period: to
Igor gouzenko/ start of Cold War
Berlin airlift
All supplies down in special routes or they would have been shot down. -
Korean War
N.Korea was supported by USSR and S. Lorea was supported by U.S. -
Korean War ended
Cease fire agreed -
First satalite in space
USSR sent there first ever satilite in space it was called Sputnik -
N.A.S.A made
It was formed in response to Sputnik launched -
Vietnam war
U.S sent troops from preventing communist North control over Vietnam -
Avro arrow
Canada’s very own plane boil it but was eventually scarped. -
Berlin Wall built
Wall was built separating the USSR controlled E.Germany and the U.S controlled W. Germany. -
First person in space
the USSR made Yuri Gagarin the first man in space -
Cuban missile Crisis
U.S president J.F Kennedy threatened nuke at war on the USSR if they didn’t remove missiles from Cuba. -
Summit series
Canada and Russia played in a series of 8 games and Canada won. -
Fall of Berlin Wall/ End of Cold War
Berlin Wall taken down signalling the end of the Cold War