• Period: to

    The Cold War

  • The Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade
    The USSR literally besieged the western side of Berlin attempting to starve them into joining the soviet alliance and destroying a capital outpost deep in the east. This is such a significant event in the Cold War because it led to the mass allied airlift which displayed there superior force. It also displayed to the world the true intentions of the USSR in years to come.
  • China becomes Communist Nation

    China becomes Communist Nation
    After China plunged into civil war chaos after the brutal occupation by the Japanese Imperial Empire in WWII there was a clear movement by Chairman Mao to a communist government , this succeed in 1949. This was a great success for the USSR and other communist countries. It marked a great threat for the US with 1 in 3 people now within a communist government. China and the USSR forged a strong alliance which they then used to expand communist ideals to other regions of Asia.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This was the first 'proxy war' between the two great superpowers. The Communist North Koreans , backed by the Chinese and the USSR , attempted to invade and removed the condemned South Korean Republic , whom were later supported by the anti-communist United States of America. It was seen by the US as a neccesary sacrifice of human life to prevent the spread of communism to Asia and later the entire globe. This was the first of many proxy wars to come and brought to life a new era of battle.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    This was a major movement for the USSR it was an alliance that was signed by seven other Soviet satellite states in Europe , marking the start of a great Alliance that would later rival that of the US economically and as a military powerhouse.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a battle of ideologies , Communism and the free world. The United States backed the South Vietnamese government of Saigon against the raging horde of the Communist North which consisted of not only the North Vietnamese government but China and the USSR who were able to form a remarkably huge force against the south. It was one of the longest conflicts ever recorded it led to large number of deaths. The south eventually fell not before the USA tried to stop it spreading.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was a physical and metaphorical barrier between West Berlin and East Berlin. It metaphorically seperated the worlds of Capitalism and Communism. It would go on to be a pivotal symbol of the Cold War for 28 years , preventing the East fleeing to the West.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was the height of the nuclear war were tensions reached an overall high and the threat of nuclear extinction became a reality. Missles were being placed in Cuba to prevent further invasion from the USA to remove its communist government. The USSR and the Cuban Government both represented a strong communist alliance and one of the greatest threats to the USA.
  • Rocky VS Drago

    Rocky VS Drago
    One of the greatest battles between the two superpowers was seen in the boxing ring between the 'jacked up' Ivan Drago and the American Italian Stalion Rocky Balboa. Rocky defeated the evil Russian and not only defeating the communists on their own soil but also defending the honour of the United States.
  • Dissolution of the USSR

    Dissolution of the USSR
    The dissolution marked the end of the Cold War. President Gorbachev handed over his powers and rendered his party extinct. President Yeltsin took over and all of the Soviet Republics were now independent.