The Marshal Plan
Requests American assistance in restoring economic structure to Europe. This prevented famine and political chaos. If we hadnt helped europe out they would have hit rock bottom financially. -
Creation Of NATO
North Atlantic Treaty Organization created to support the effort in deterring Soviet expansion by not allowing the revival of nationalist militarism in Europe through a strong U.S. presence in Europe, and encouraging European political integrity. -
Soviets Create and Test Nuclear Bomb
Soviet Union exploded their first atomic bomb at their test site on the Kazakhstan steppe. Known as "First Lightning" it did as much damage as the bomb we dropped on Hiroshima. -
Korean War
The Korean War began when 75,000 troops from N.Korea parachuted across the 38th parallel. American troops entered the war because we were against communism and the USSR who were supporting the North Koreans. -
Creation of The Warsaw Pact
Treaty between Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union. Treaty of Friendship was meant to be a detterence to NATO. It established an alliance between the economy and the military. -
Vietnam War
This war is known for it brutality and loss of life. More than 3 million people (including 58,000 Americans) were killed in the Vietnam War. The war lasted 19 years and four months. -
Soviets Launch Sputnik
Sputnik was a metal sphere with four antennae. It was about 28 inches and as usefull as a radio. Congrats Soviet Union! -
Bay of Pigs
The Bay of Pigs Invasion was unsuccessful in an attempt to overthrow the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Castro had total control over the skies and outnumbered the ground troops greatly. -
German Reunification / Fall of the Berlin Wall
The fall of The Berlin Wall gave way to German Reunification. The US air dropped supplys to west berlin so the Soviets wouldnt take it over. -
The Berlin Wall Goes Up
The berlin wall was consturcted in the middle of the night. Allied powers divided Germany hence the Wall. It was West Germany Versus East Germany. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Closest America ever came to a full scale Nuclear War. With 90 miles separating the Soviets Missles to our soil so things escalated quickly. -
US Sends First Man to Moon
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - said Neil Armstrong This moon landing signified a new era for the human race we could now break the barriers we once beleived were unbreakable. -
Nixon Visits China
Known as "The week that changed the world." This visit ended harsh relations between the two countries. This was the first time we had even made an attempt to cooperate with china since twenty years ago. -
US Invades Grenada
Grenada having a Mixist regime was invaded by the US Marines on the orders of President Rinald Reagen. There were 1000 US citizens in Grenada at any given time. Victory had been one but lives were lost all in all Reagen called it a victory against Communist forces. -
Fall of The Soviet Union
The Fall of the USSR came as a releif to some people bringing them freedom. After this freedom came it started a chain reaction all over Eurasia and many states started to secede.