• Tehran Confrance

    president goes to metting in iran capitol. Meets other Officals there.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    Tells about the war and what happend.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nazi Officers tried for war crimes. 3 set free.
  • Yalta Confrance

    dessions on what to do.
  • Potsdam Conferance

  • 1st United nations meeting

    Un meets for the first time. US joins.
  • End of Nuremberg Trials

    Nazi officals found guilty. 3 set free.
  • Truman Doctrine

  • Cominform Made

  • Marshall plan

  • Berlin Airlift

  • NATO

    Helps out countries with wars. Still around today.
  • Germany Divied

    Berlin Wall is put up. Wall is later destroyed after the war.
  • Soviets Detanate Atom bomb

    SU finally joins the atom bomb race. Goes off with no problems.
  • Chinese Cival war is over

  • North Korea Invades south Korea

    Invasion is started.
  • Marshall Plan

  • Warsaw Pact