Birth HUAC
Committee comprised largely of right-wing conservatives, HUAC public humiliated prominent liberals. -
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World War II
Potsdam Conference
Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt meet in Potsdam to discuss what the post world war two world will look like. -
First American Atomic Bomb
the Enola Gay drops the very first atomic weapon. -
Birth of the C.I.A.
the Central Intelligence Agency is founded to see what the soviets are up to. -
founding of NATO -
First Soviet Atomic Bomb
the soviets match our nuclear status much sooner than we expected. -
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Korean War
Warsaw Pact
the Soviet union make an alliance with its satalite countries. -
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Vietnam War
Russia is the first into space with Sputnik, the hollowed out warhead with a beeper inside. -
Birth of NASA
the U.S. respondes in the space race by founding the National Areonautics and Space Adiministration. -
U2 Crisis
American photographic reconnaissance aircraft, a Lockheed U-2, was shot down over the Soviet Union and the pilot, Gary Powers, was taken prisoner. -
Bay of Pigs
American plan to overthrow Castro. It didn't work. -
Berlin Wall Built
the Berlin Wall is created to seperate east from west. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
U.S.S.R. gives Cuba atomic weapons. -
Tet Offensive
Man on the Moon
Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moon. -
Kent State Massacre
Kent Satae war protesters were fired upon by U.S. armed forces. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
After about 38 years east and west berlin are one again.