
Cold War

By Diana:)
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Stalin promises that all of Europe will be free and allowed to make decisions for themselves. (Countries will be allowed to vote on how they want to run their country). Plans were made for dividing Germany into four zones of occupation (American, British, French, and Soviet)
  • Postdam Conference

    Postdam Conference
    Stalin went back on his word and decided that he was not going to allow the countries to be free, and that he needed them to be a buffer zone.In July, the Red Army effectively controlled the Baltic States, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, and refugees were fleeing out of these countries fearing a Communist take-over.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    A policy that promised aid to people struggling to resist threats to democratic freedom
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    After the war European was completly out of money , many people had no jobs while others were killed during the war.
    The United States gave more than $13 billion to help European nations after world war 2.
  • Russian blockade of Berlin

    Russian blockade of Berlin
    The blockade was the the first major crisis during the cold war, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway and road access to the sectors of Berlin under Allied control. Their goal was to force western powers to allow the Soviet Union food and fuel supply for Berlin
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Western powers used theBerlin Airlift in response to the Russian blockad. The United States Air Force and the United Kingdom's Royal Air Force flew over 200,000 flights in one year, providing Berlin with food and fuel. The airlift was successful and more cargo was delivered by air than by rail
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    The Nuclear Arms Race was a competition between America and the Soviet Union to achieve the creation and surplus of the most powerful nuclear weapons. Many people believed during this time that the more nuclear weapons you have, the more powerful you are. The U.S. and Russia became most feared during that time period.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    A conflict between North Korea and South Korea that lasted fro 3 years. The U.S and the U.N fought along with South Korea while China fouth along the side of North Korea. Truman saw the Korean War as a test case for his contaiment policy
  • Rosenberg Spy Case

    Rosenberg Spy Case
    Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were members of the American Communist Party. In 1951 they were convicted of passing atomic secrets to Russians, they were executed in 1953.
  • Hungarian Uprising

    Hungarian Uprising
    Students and workers took to the streets of Budapest and issued their Sixteen Points which included personal freedom, more food, the removal of the secret police, the removal of Russian control etc.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a 16 year long war. It began in 1959. It was one of the most brutal battles. It was a war between South and North Vietnam. It was originally with the participation of the French who failed dismally. Eventually, the US entered on behalf of the South Vietnamese people.
  • U-2 Crisis

    U-2 Crisis
    Eisenhower wanted to make peace with Nikita Krushev (the soviet Primer). Two weeks before the Soviets shot down an American U-2 spy plane. Eisenhower had denied that the aircraft was a spy plane untill the pilot was captured Krushev wanted an apology but the president refused
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    An unsuccessful invasion by the U.S to overthrow Fidel Castro and his communist government. The U.S trained Cubans to go back to Cuba and take down Fidel Castrol's dictatorship, but humiliated. American pilots and over 100 Cuban invaders were killed in battle whiel Cuban invaders felt betrayed by their sponsor.
  • Construction of Berlin wall

    Construction of Berlin wall
    The Berlin Wall was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic that completely cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin. The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, which circumscribed a wide area that contained anti-vehicle trenches, and other defenses.
  • Prague Spring

    Prague Spring
    The Prague Spring of 1968 is the term used for the brief period of time when the government of Czechoslovakia led by Alexander Dubček seemingly wanted to democratise the nation and lessen the stranglehold Moscow had on the nation’s affairs. The Prague Spring ended with a Soviet invasion, the removal of Alexander Dubcek as party leader and an end to reform within Czechoslovakia.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was a military campaign during the Vietnam War. The purpose of the offensive was to utilize the element of suprise and strike military and civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam, during a period when no attacks were supposed take place. It was a victory for the US and South Vietnam.
  • Detente

    An easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. This policy lead the two nations to sign the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
  • Fall of South Vietnam

    Fall of South Vietnam
    The fall of South Vietnam was also known as the fall of Saigon. North Vietnamese forces under the command of General Văn Tiến Dũng began a bombardment on Saigon, marking the end of South Vietnam. This bombardment killed the last American servicemen that were in Vietnam.
  • Perestroika

    A reconstruction policy made by the Soviet Union that brought political reform of the USSR. During the war the Soviet's economy was in complete collapse, in resonse Gorbachev introduced the Perestroika, reconstructing the Soviets political and economic system
  • Reagan Doctrine

    Reagan Doctrine
    A policy in the U.S enacted by Ronald Reagan to help stop communism. Part of his plan included both open and private support to guerrilla and resistance movements in Soviet-supported communist countries. The Reagan Doctrine helped the U.S continnue their containment policy, and stop communism from spreading.
  • Collapse of Berlin Wall

    Collapse of Berlin Wall
    Originally the Berlin wall was a barrier that cut off West Berlin from sorrounding East Germany it was build in 1961, but took around three decades for the wall to be torn down. Protest demostrations broke out all over Eastern Germany. People wanted to leave to the west. Protest grew over time untill Eastern Germany agreed to open the gates.
  • End of USSR

    End of USSR
    The Soviet Union was divided into 15 separate countires. It's collapse was a victory for freedom in the west.