John Pembertonhe
John Pembertonhe was a curious person and mixed up his own drink. He started to sell it for 5 cents a glass. Frank Robinson came up with the name Coca-Cola. The first year Pembertonhe sold 9 glasses a day. -
Formula is sold
A business man named, Asa Candle bought the formula for $2,300. -
Coke into a bottle
The first person to put Coca-Cola in a bottle was Joseph Biedenharm in Mississippi. -
Coke being around the world
The first three counties outside of the United States to bottle Coca-Cola were Cuba, Canada, and Panama. -
Olympic games
Woofur was one of the biggest in the Coca-Cola company. He saw opportunities for expansions everywhere. He made a big impact when he introduced Coca-Cola to the Olympic games and created new designs to make it portable. -
Coca-Cola expanded there company by adding new flavors. These flavors are popular today such as, Sprite, Fanta, and they also bought Minute Maid company so they could expand there produce. -
During WWII 5 billion bottles of Coca-Cola were sent to American troops. -
Coca-Cola was the only packaged drink allowed in China. -
Coca-Cola expands with energy brand. Such as vitamin water, smart water, fruit water, and vitamin energy. -
Coca-Cola went from serving 9 bottles a day to serving 1.7 million servings a day. They expanded there company well. Now there goal is to satisfy there customers.