Coffee Maker

  • 575

    Discovery of Coffee Beans

    Discovery of Coffee Beans
    It was first discovered and used as food and quick energy for warfare.
  • Oct 16, 1000

    Coffee Into a Drink

    Coffee Into a Drink
    The first idea came from people putting the berries into boiling water creating coffee.
  • Infusion Process

    Infusion Process
    This style made the coffee better while boiling it into water before the invention of the coffee maker.
  • Insulated Coffee Container

    Insulated Coffee Container
    Circa 1780, this kept the coffee warm while in the pot/container.
  • Invention of the Coffee Maker

    Invention of the Coffee Maker
    The first coffee machine was made in 1818 by Mr. Lauren's of Paris, France.
  • The First Espresso Machine

    The First Espresso Machine
    This machine used steam to pass through water and coffee creating espresso, a form of coffee
  • Vacuum Coffee Maker

    Vacuum Coffee Maker
    In 1840, the Napier Vacuum Machine came out.
  • First Electric Coffee Maker

    First Electric Coffee Maker
    The electric coffee maker made in the mid 1800's made life easier by not having to use a stove to make coffee.
  • First Percolator

    First Percolator
    When water is boiled it travels through a metal tube which is then infused with the coffee and then strained.
  • The First Automatic Drip Coffee Maker

    The First Automatic Drip Coffee Maker
    Circa 1900's. When the water containing the coffee becomes hot enough it goes through a metal cylinder which then passes through a filter and drips into the pot.
  • The First Filter Coffee Machine

    The First Filter Coffee Machine
    Using paper the filter of the paper made coffee better and easier to not over brew.
  • French Press

    French Press
    Pour hot water and coffee grains and then gets pressed with a filter catching the grains.
  • Moka Pot

    Moka Pot
    It is a coffee maker used on a stove top that uses steam that then gets brought through the coffee grounds.
  • Steam Free Coffee Machine

    Steam Free Coffee Machine
    Achilles Gaggia produced a more modern steam free coffee machine
  • Piston Driven Espresso Machine

    Piston Driven Espresso Machine
    The operator pumps creating pressure which shoots the steam creating an espresso.
  • The Modern Day Espresso Machine

    The Modern Day Espresso Machine
  • The First Automatic Espresso Machine

    The First Automatic Espresso Machine
    This uses pumps making the creator of the espresso machine not have to do as much work.
  • Pour over Coffee Maker

    Pour over Coffee Maker
    This used pre-boiled water. You then would pour it into a trey with a filter and the coffee grains, it then comes out into the pot as coffee. This is the way modern coffee makers are today.
  • Air-Pump Espresso Machine

    Air-Pump Espresso Machine
    Cartridges containing N2, CO2, or and electric compressor creates the compressed air needed for a espresso machine.
  • Single Serve Coffee Maker

    Single Serve Coffee Maker
    Known as K-cups by Keurig, these take plastic cups with coffee and filter hot water through it producing coffee for one serving.