Coffee maker 2

Coffee Maker

By 1177071
  • 575 BCE

    First Coffee

    First Coffee
    The Turks were the first to start making coffee. The history of coffee starts there.
  • Infusion Brewing

    Infusion Brewing
    In France, they discovered infusion brewing which is were you place coffee beans inside of a cloth bag then submerge it into hot water
  • French Drip Pot

    French Drip Pot
    A filter filled with roasted coffee beans sits in a container. Then hot water is poured on it and coffee drips in the container below.
  • First Espresso Machine

    First Espresso Machine
    An espresso machine is when you force hot pressurized water through a ground coffee and a filter. The result is thick, concentrated coffee. It was invented and patented by Angelo Moriondo.
  • Vacuum Coffee Maker

    Vacuum Coffee Maker
    It was invented by Loef of Berlin. Water is heated up, creating steam which rises into the higher chamber where the coffee beans are. The heat is removed and the steam condenses to form a vacuum, which pulls the coffee through the filter in the lower chamber.
  • Coffee Percolator

    Coffee Percolator
    The coffee percolator is a type of pot used to brew coffee by continuously cycling the boiling water through the coffee grounds.
  • Melitta Coffee Filter Paper

    Melitta Coffee Filter Paper
    Melitta Bentz invents the first coffee maker with a filter constructed out of blotting paper, rather than expensive linen and cloths filters that were used previously.
  • Atomatic Dip Coffee Maker

    Atomatic Dip Coffee Maker
    It was invented by Mr. Coffee. This machine automatically heats the water and gets poured in with the coffee beans and brews.
  • The K-Cup System

    The K-Cup System
    Similar to the Automatic Coffee Maker it was invented by Keurig and was a groundbreaking invention. K- Cups are small cups filled with the ground of various beverages like, coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. The K- Cup system has a spot where you place the cup in and it pierces a hole all the way through the cup and hot water goes through these cups filled with grounds into your cup below.