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Coca - Cola over the years

By cyriana
  • 1886 Coca-cola was born

    1886 Coca-cola was born
    Coca-cola was born on May 8th, 1886 in Atlanta Georgia. Dr. John Pemberton sold the first bottle of Coca-cola in a pharmacy called Jacobs in downtown Atlanta. He sold 9 Cokes a day of the first year selling them, Coca-cola's Syrup was made by him and carbonated water was teamed with it to give its delicious reshing taste. Cola was the new famous fountain drink.
  • Gallons of syrup ( 1888- 1891)

    Gallons of syrup ( 1888- 1891)
    Pemberton originally made the soda to replace morphine, he was wounded in the war and didn't want to rely on morphine so Coke helped him. He pitched the drink so it could help with headaches, nerves, and a lot more, the drink originally had alcohol but Pemberton made a non-acholhlic formula. Lastly, it had very minimal coca leaf extract but it wasn't for drugs. The extract was removed from the drink a few months after.
  • Coca-cola's first bottles 1892-1894

    Coca-cola's first bottles 1892-1894
    Coke was put into bottles in 1894 by Joseph Bidenharn he was a Mississippi businessman. He shipped 12 bottles full of Coca-cola to Asa Griggs Chandler He would give discounts for people to get the first taste of Cola.
  • Coca-cola and the Olympics 1919-1940

    Coca-cola and the Olympics  1919-1940
    Rober Woodruff was a famous marketer who saw opportunity everywhere he expanded the business overseas and introduced Coca-cola to the Olympics for the first time. Cola stuck with team U.S.A and eventually went to the Amsterdam Olympics.
  • Different flavors 2000's to now

    Different flavors 2000's to now
    Coca-cola has many variations of flavors now of days there's diet, vanilla, zero sugar, cherry, and on and on so you can say Coca-cola was pretty successful for originally being for medicine. In conclusion, coca-cola is a grate refreshing soda anyone will crave in there lifetime with many flavors and popularity around the world.