Legal Disclaimer
Legal disclaimer completed to determine proper usage. -
Tablets and Charging Devices Arrive
HP Slate tablets and charging stations arrive. Devices are imaged before being distributed to stores. -
SOP for Tablets and Training Time Slots
Final SOP for tablets including location to be stored and check out time. Designate the amount of time per month allocated to training along with how this is determined. -
Basic Level Launch
Basic level training available for all associates. -
Company Wide Launch
Full launch of trainings to associates. -
Basic Level Deadline
Deadline for basic level training to be completed by all associates to ensure general knowledge of department and Curacao policy. -
Associate Reporting
Provide associates with a list of total scores of all courses taken and cumulative points. -
Associate Reporting
Provide associates with a list of total scores of all courses taken and cumulative points. -
Advanced Level Launch
Advanced level training available for associates who have completed Basic level with a score of 80% or higher. -
Associate Reporting
Provide associates with a list of total scores of all courses taken and cumulative points. -
Expert Level Launch
Expert level training available for associates who have completed Advanced level with a score of 85% or higher. -
Advanced Level Deadline
Deadline for advanced level training to be completed by all associates. -
Product Engineer Launch
Product Engineer level training available for associates who have completed Expert level with a score of 90% or higher.