Climate Breakdown

  • Heatwave in Pakistan

    Heatwave in Pakistan
    This searing heatwave affected Pakistan and India from March to May 2022.
  • The Great Barrier Reef and mass bleaching

    The Great Barrier Reef and mass bleaching
    The Great Barrier Reef suffered from it fourth mass bleaching, causing the coral to bleach. It's a continuing event of 2022.
  • Deadly floods in Pakistan

    Deadly floods in Pakistan
    It submerged 1/3 of Pakistan and affected 33 million people.
    It lasted till october 2022.
  • A record heat in the United Kingdom

    A record heat in the United Kingdom
    In the UK, the temperatures rose above 40°C for the first time. It lasted until Jule, 20th 2022.
  • Collapse of a key current in North Atlantic.

    Collapse of a key current in North Atlantic.
    It causes a disrupting rain upon which billions of people depend for food.
  • Collapse of Greenland's ice cap

    Collapse of Greenland's ice cap
    This event cause a huge sea level rise.
  • Hurricane Ian

    Hurricane Ian
    The US confronted the Hurrican Ian which turns up to be the most deadliest hurricane since Katrina . It lasted until September, 30th, 2022.