Untitled design


  • World Commission on Environment and Development (The Brundtland Report 'Our Common Future')

    World Commission on Environment and Development (The Brundtland Report 'Our Common Future')
    First definition of Sustainable Development: "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".
  • UN Conference on Environment and Development (The Earth Summit Rio)

     UN Conference on Environment and Development (The Earth Summit Rio)
    Agenda 21: Highlights the role of tourism in decentralizing urban development and reducing discrepancies among regions, as well as the role of ecotourism as a tool to promote economic growth and contribute to the protection ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • The Oslo Roundtable Conference on Sustainable Production and Consumption

    The Oslo Roundtable Conference on Sustainable Production and Consumption
    First definition of SCP: "The use of services and related products, wich respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life while minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to jeopardize the needs of furhter genertions".
  • The World Conference on Sustainable Tourism (Lanzarote Island)

    The World Conference on Sustainable Tourism (Lanzarote Island)
    Adopted a 18 articles charter to promote the dual goals of economic development through tourism and protection of the environment.
  • The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (Santiago de Chile)

    The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (Santiago de Chile)
    10 principles that cover the economic, social, cultural and environmental components of travel and tourism.
  • Adoption of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism by UN Resolution 56/212

    Adoption of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism by UN Resolution 56/212
    Article 3: Importance of safeguarding the natural environment and prioritizing a form of tourism that aims at saving resources.
  • World Summit on Sustainable Developement

    World Summit on Sustainable Developement
    Call for the development of the 10YFP
    The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation: Encourages the promotion of sustainable tourism
  • The Marrakesh Process for the implementation of SCP

    The Marrakesh Process for the implementation of SCP
    Among the 7 task forces appointed: International Task Force on Sustainable Tourism (ITF-SDT), later succeeded by the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism.
  • An Agenda for Sustainable Tourism UNWTO/UNEP with 12 targets

    An Agenda for Sustainable Tourism UNWTO/UNEP with 12 targets
    The Agenda sets 12 aims to get a more sustainable tourism based on 4 different aspects:
    - Preserving tourism;
    - Absorbing and benefiting from the impacts of tourism in a sustainable way;
    - Minimizing the negative consequences of tourism on society and environment;
    - Maximizing tourism's contribution to local economies, the conservation of heritage and the quality of life.
  • Rio+20

    Adoption of the 10YFP
    The Future We Want: Emphasizes on the role of sustainable tourism as driver for change as well as the importance for better well-informed decision making.
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    UNGA Resolution 69/233: Emphasizes the contribution of sustainable tourism to community development and the protection of biodiversity; based on the Resolution 67/223 adopted in 2012.
    10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme launched as a platform to gather initiatives and partnerships to accelerate the shift to SCP patterns in tourism.
  • “Tourism 4 SDGs” 8.9- 12.b -14.7 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development "Transforming our world'

    “Tourism 4 SDGs” 8.9- 12.b -14.7 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development "Transforming our world'
    SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    Target 12.b.: Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local cultures and products.
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    UNGA Resolution 71/240: Recognizes the contribution of tourism in accelerating the change to SCP; welcomes the adoption of the 10YFP and the launching of the Sustainable Tourism Programme.
    UNWTO Petra Declaration on Investing in Tourism for an Inclusive Future.
    (COP13-CBD): Encourages the adoption of SCP practices. Notably also, the notion of tourism as an "enabling agent for change" appears for the first time
  • UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

    UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
    UNWTO Chengdu Declaration on Tourism and the SDGS: need to develop national and local integrated and holistic approaches to tourism policy contributing to the achievement of the SDGs, particularly SDG 12 on SCP.
    UNWTO Montego Bay Declaration on Jobs and Inclusive Growth: prioritize green growth in tourism and foster investment in infrastructure and technology.
    One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Kasane Call to Action: Aims to accelerating SCP in the tourism sector.
  • High Level Political Forum of the ECOSOC (One Planet "Sustainable Tourism Programme")

    High Level Political Forum  of the ECOSOC (One Planet "Sustainable Tourism Programme")
    In-depth review of SDG 12.
    "The Mediterranean is already experiencing significant challenges from climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, regional and national decisions makers must see SCP as the key enabler to address them" (Jorge Laguna-Celis, Head, One Planet Network. UNEP).
  • One Planet Vision for a Responsible Recovery of the Tourism Sector 2020

    One Planet Vision for a Responsible Recovery of the Tourism Sector 2020
    The One Planet VisioN calls for a responsible recovery of the tourism sector from the COVID-19 crisis which is founded on sustainability.
    This repository aims to inspire further action from governments and the private sector by highlighting tools and initiatives from stakeholders which are leading by example, as well as providing reflections of thought and opinion leaders on the challenges and opportunities for the responsible and sustainable recovery of tourism.
  • COP 26 and Glasgow Declaration

    COP 26 and Glasgow Declaration
    The Glasgow Declaration defines a clear and consistent sector-wide message and approach to climate action in the coming decade. The Initiative supports its signatories by sharing knowledge and resources to better implement their commitments; fostering and supporting the work at destination level to develop and implement climate action plans; tracking and disclosing progress implementing the commitments; and providing international recognition and visibility.
    COP 26 agreement comes in.