2000 BCE
Invention of the Wheel
The wheel is invented in central Asia then brought to the Middle east via the silk trades -
1750 BCE
The demise of the Indian ocean Trade
Soon after their 2000 year reign the Indian Ocean trade network crippled and was destroyed -
1680 BCE
British Challenge
The British joined in with their British east Indian Company and challenged the VOC for control of their trade routes -
1602 BCE
the VOC
the Dutch East Indian Company (VOC) appeared in the Indian Ocean -
1408 BCE
Portuguese sailors entered the Indian trade as pirates because they lacked anything to offer as trade -
1405 BCE
The 7 expedition
Yongle Emperor of Chinas New Ming Dynasty sent 7 expeditions to visit all the empires major trading partners around the Indian Ocean. -
1000 BCE
The Island of MAdagascar
southeast Asians migrate to the island of Madagascar -
600 BCE
The Silk Road
3 large trade networks developed: The Silk Road, the Indian Ocean Trade and the Saharan trade -
500 BCE
Greek and Romans enter Indian Ocean
Greek and Roman sailors and traders entered the Indian Ocean sent there by the Persian ruler Darius I. They traded gold, olive oil and wine -
Period: 426 BCE to 430 BCE
Thenian Plague
A thenian plague killed 1/3 of the population -
Period: 400 BCE to 1450 BCE
Indian Ocean
Trade flourished in the Indian Ocean -
331 BCE
International Hub Trade
Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great, was utilized as a hub of international trade connecting Rome to inner Africa, the deserts of the Arabian peninsula and Asia -
Period: 300 BCE to 600 BCE
Alexander the Great
Trade routes allowed the spread of religions Buddhism, Hinduism Jainism from India to Southeast Asia -
Period: 232 BCE to 271 BCE
Ashokas contribution to the establishment of trade relations
Ashoka, one of the most famous Indian emperors, sent religious envoys abroad which encouraged contact and interactions which contributed to the establishment of the trade relations -
200 BCE
Travel Improvements
The Chinese made improvements to the saddle which facilitated land trade. -
Period: 185 BCE to 321 BCE
Period of Mauryn Rule
Expansion in the trade between Eurasia and Africa -
religious spreading
Islam spread from India to South East Asia