800px david oath of the horatii 1784

Classical period

  • 1269

    Westminster Abbey in London.

     Westminster Abbey in London.
    In England during the Classical period, coronations were elaborate ceremonies held at Westminster Abbey in London. These ceremonies typically included various rituals, such as the anointing of the monarch with holy oil, the presentation of regalia, and the taking of oaths of allegiance from nobles and clergy.
  • Period: 1543 to

    Scientific Revolution

    The Scientific Revolution, occurring primarily in the 16th and 17th centuries, marked a period of profound advancements in science, mathematics, and philosophy. It challenged prevailing notions of the natural world and laid the groundwork for modern scientific inquiry and discovery.
  • Period: to

    Age of Enlightenment

    The Age of Enlightenment, spanning the 18th century, witnessed a flourishing of intellectual and cultural pursuits across Europe. It was characterized by a focus on reason, empirical inquiry, and the promotion of individual rights and freedoms.
  • Death of Johann Sebastian Bach

    Death of Johann Sebastian Bach
    Bach underwent eye surgery by the famous yet controversial ophthalmologist Sir John Taylor, who stayed in Leipzig from 4 to 7 April in 1750. Complications necessitated an additional operation. Although Bach was able to see again for a short time, he suffered a stroke and died shortly afterwards on 28 July in 1750.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution, characterized by technological advancements and the shift from agrarian to industrial economies, transformed societies and economies across Europe. It led to urbanization, increased production capabilities, and significant changes in social structures.
  • The Marriage of Figaro

    The Marriage of Figaro
    "The Marriage of Figaro" is a comic opera that has become one of the most popular and performed works in the classical opera repertoire. Its premiere was a significant event in the history of classical music and continues to be one of the most beloved works by audiences and opera enthusiasts to this day.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    The French Revolution, beginning in 1789, challenged the existing social and political order in Europe, advocating for principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Its impact reverberated across the continent, inspiring political upheavals and reforms.
  • Beethoven's Third Symphony, "Eroica"

    Beethoven's Third Symphony, "Eroica"
    Beethoven's Symphony No. 3, "Eroica," is often regarded as a pivotal work that bridged the Classical and Romantic periods in music. Its innovative structure, emotional depth, and expanded instrumentation signaled the end of the Classical era and the dawn of Romanticism.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna, held in 1814-1815, was a significant diplomatic event following the Napoleonic Wars. European leaders convened to reorganize the political landscape of Europe and establish a new balance of power. The Congress aimed to restore stability and prevent future conflicts by redrawing borders, reinstating monarchies, and promoting conservative ideologies.
  • Beethoven's Symphony No. 9

    Beethoven's Symphony No. 9
    Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 is particularly notable for its final movement, which includes vocal soloists and a chorus performing Friedrich Schiller's "Ode to Joy" text. This symphony marks one of the first instances of a composer incorporating vocal soloists and a chorus into a symphonic work, breaking new ground in the symphonic genre and expanding the possibilities of orchestral and choral music.