1000 BCE
1000 BCE and Monsoon Marketplace
Beginning of the Classical Era that lasted about 1300 years -
500 BCE
Greek and Roman sailors
Both Greeks and Romans entered the trading system and used the Indian Ocean to navigate. -
500 BCE
Goods traded
Many goods were traded around the world. India traded silver, copper and gold. Roman coins were found in Indian possession over the Years as well. Cloth, metal, beads and glass were also traded. Africa had timber and a lot of raw materials. -
300 BCE
300-200 BCE
Arab and Indian ships traveled across the Indian Ocean and have evidence from crops and styling of homes. They also did not find them leaving after that.Persian ruler Darius I Alexander was involved, and Nearchus was sent to the Arabian Gulf. -
300 BCE
Muslim sailor used the astrolabe to help navigate the stars. Boats also used stern post rudders to help with steering as well. Wind also really helped during certain times and helped because it really helped how much they traded and got their quicker. -
Java and Zanzibar
These are two popular places that were used for trading for people coming from the east and west to meet. Arsinoe and Berenice were popular Roman ports. Hormuz, Malaka and Galle were also port cities to add. -
Disease and Language
Many languages were mixed because of the trade routes and many people meeting. People traded and went back often and sometimes stayed. Disease was not rampant during this time like it was for the Silk Road. The ships could be prone though with people being sick, flies and bacteria. Islam spread and is big in Indonesia because of this time period. -
Popular People
Muslims had money so they were able to build more ships and Islam spread big time because of this time period. The wars with the Persians and Greeks affected this period in its demise as well