Classical Music Timeline

By Moosecg
  • Haydn composes Symphony No.2

    Haydn composes Symphony No.2
    Composer Franz Joseph Haydn releases his Symphony No.2 to much fanfare and praise
  • Regulator Rebellion

    Regulator Rebellion
    North Carolinians primarily from Salisbury, Hillsborough, and Salem stage a rebellion against the colonial government, lasts 5 years and climaxes in the Battle of Alamance, believed by many to be the first battle of the revolution.
  • Haydn Completes Opus 20

    Haydn Completes Opus 20
    Haydn completes his Opus 20, uses polyphonic techniques from baroque era. Many consider this beginning of mature classical era.
  • Gaspee Affair

    Gaspee Affair
    British customs ship captured and burned by Sons of Liberty off the coast of Rhode Island, raises tensions between colonies and Great Britain
  • Mozart Arrives in Vienna

    Mozart Arrives in Vienna
    Young Mozart arrives in Vienna, beginning of his esteemed career in that city.
  • Siege of Charleston

    Siege of Charleston
    British land and army forces besiege and capture Charleston, principal port of the Southern colonies. Beginning of massive British campaign in the Carolinas.
  • Rhode Island Ratifies Constitution

    Rhode Island Ratifies Constitution
    Rhode Island becomes last state of the original 13 to ratify constitution, Uniting the United States under one document finally.
  • Cherubini Composes Lodoiska

    Cherubini Composes Lodoiska
    French composer Cherubini composes influential opera work Lodoiska
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    President Thomas Jefferson buys Louisiana Territory from France, doubles the size of the United States.
  • Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony

    Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony
    Beethoven completes his Eroica symphony, by far his most famous work and his favorite.
  • Franz Joseph Haydn Dies

    Franz Joseph Haydn Dies
    Famous composer Haydn throws Europe into mourning with his death in 1809.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Britain and the young United States again fight in a war. Capitals of Canada and the US are burnt yet war ends in a draw and neither side gains nor loses any territory.