Classical Era - 1000= 0

By Kfrisk
  • Period: 400 to

    The Chavin cult

    The true name of the cult has been lost to the sands of time
    The name is based of the name of a town where the ruins where first found
    Very little is known about the cult other than it revoled around corn and how it expaned population in South America
  • Period: 400 to

    Polynnesian expansion arcoss the South Pasific

    Polynnesian adventueres and expolores colonised the enterity of the south pasific ocean
    They used catarrans bassic conoes to explore and expand
    They had a cheifan system for a ruling class no major goverments
  • Period: 400 to

    Olmec society

    The Olmecs scoecity was based in Mesoamerica
    They had a city state culure based on a preist class and blood sacrifece
    The olmec culuture deeply infuleced other cultures that came after it
    The rubber ball game that the Maya are famous for started with the Olmec
  • Period: 437 to 517

    The life span of Siddharta Gautama, the Budda

    The Budda
    The founder of Buddism
    He was a prince who regected his kingdom for his morality
  • 442

    Cyrus becomes King of Persian tribes

  • Period: 442 to Dec 8, 670

    Achaemenid Empire

    Created Satrapies
    23 of them
    Administrative districts.
    Only leading ruler of Satrap had to be Persian
  • 447

    Cyrus initiates uprising

    Against Median overlord. Defeated Median Overlord less than 3 years later
  • 452

    Iran under Achemenid control

  • Period: 460 to 532

    the life of Vadhammana Mahavira

    The founder of jainism
  • 461

    Babylon under Achaemenid Control

    Began in 455.
    Vassal states recognized Cyrus as king
  • 470

    Cyrus dies, Cambyses takes over

    Was defending Northern border from nomadic raiders.
    Mortally wounded
    Cyrus' body placed in simple tomb in Pasargadea
    Cambyses is Cyrus' son.
  • 475

    Cambyses conquers Egypt

  • 500

    Ionian Cities Rebel

    Expelled or Executed all governers
    Asserted their independence
  • Period: 500 to 521

    Persian Wars

    Started with Ionians Rebelling
    Greeks sent aid to Ionians
    Darius sends army to quell rebellion
    Darius attacks Greek Peninusla
    Forced back after Battle of Marathon
    Xerxes sends another force, but it's repelled
    Sparred intermitently for an extended period of time
  • 510

    Battle of Marathon

    Victory by Greeks
  • 520

    Xerxes' invasion of Greece

    After his father is killed xerxes leads a force into greece to end he war
    He later withdraws and it is consited a greek victory
  • 520

    The Battle of Salamis

    Naval battle around salamis island
    Greek victory
  • Period: 530 to Dec 9, 601

    the life of Socrates

    Greek philsopher who expessed the ideas of exsamination and a strive to be a moral person
    He commited to death by the citizens of atheans for corruptin the youth
  • Period: 557 to 571

    Pericles leadership of Athens

    Pericles was the leader of Atheans in its golden days
  • Period: 570 to Dec 9, 653

    The life of Plato

    A greek philospher
    questioned reality through his use of Platos cave a though experiment
    Student of Socrates and teacher to Aristotle
  • Period: Dec 9, 664 to Dec 9, 677

    The reign of Alexander of Macedon

    destorys Persia
    gets to india and invades
    his death Divides the empire into three.
  • Dec 8, 666

    Alexander Attacks Persia

    Attacks with 48,000 Macedonian warriors
    Eventually destroys Persepolis, and claims Persian Empire for himself
  • Dec 8, 673

    Alexander invades India

  • Period: Dec 8, 677 to

    Seleucid Empire

    Had best area given from Alexander
    Containeed most of Former Achaemenid empire
    Attracted Greek colonists to fill new cities
    Faced opposition from Native Persians
    Destroyed by Romans
  • Dec 8, 714


    According to tradition founded by Laozi
    Strived to do nothing
    Less government is better
    Counterbalanced Confucianism
  • Period: Dec 9, 736 to

    The Punic Wars

    The three wars between rome and carthage that determined who would rule the Medditerrian
  • Period: Dec 9, 737 to

    The Reign of Ashoka Maurya

    Ashoka expanaded the Mauryan empire to the greatest hight
    Expaned buddism by making it the offical religion
    after his death the empire fell into regional states
  • Period: Dec 8, 753 to Dec 8, 1224

    Parthian Empire

    Controled Iran and Mesopotamia
    Retained Culture of Nomadic people
    Didn't have a centralized government
    Made larger, stronger horses to assist in repelling invaders
    Conflicted with Rome multiple times
    Eventually destroyed by internal rebellion
  • Dec 8, 762

    Parthian Satrap Rebels

  • Dec 8, 767


    Solved PoWS
    Channeled everyone into cultivation or military service
    Strict legal regimen, harsh punishments
  • Period: Dec 9, 1000 to Dec 9, 1300

    The Kushan empire in Northern India and Centarl Asia

    Kush became a major empire in northern India
    and played a major part in the silk empire
  • Dec 25, 1000

    Birth of Jesus of Nazareth

    The savior of the christian religon
    His ideas shape europe and by exrtention the world for two milleania
  • Period: Dec 9, 1005 to Dec 9, 1067

    The life of Paul of Tarsus

    Expaned Christianity by writing letters and traveling around the Eastern part of the Roman Empire
  • Period: Dec 9, 1009 to Dec 9, 1023

    Wang Mang in charge

    Usurped from Han Dynasty
    Instituded Socialist reforms
    Uprising ended his life
  • Period: Dec 9, 1025 to Dec 9, 1220

    Later Han Dynasty

    the han dyansty after Wang Mang weak compared to the earleir dynasty
  • Period: Dec 9, 1066 to Dec 9, 1070

    The Great Jewish Revolt

    The temple was lost and ransacked
    The Coloseaum was built by Jewish slavea and the funds from the Temple
  • Period: Dec 9, 1078 to Dec 9, 1103

    The reign of Kanishka of Kush

    The most famous Kshan emperor he expaned kush into the empire that encompased northen India and Pakistan.
  • Period: Dec 8, 1224 to

    Sasanid Empire

    Began by toppleing the Parthians
    Traded with people in East and West
    Created Buffer states between them and the Romans
    Got into border arguments with Rome Byzantium and Kush, but no one nation was strong enough to topple another
    Arabs killed last emporer and incorperated it into their realm.
  • Period: Dec 9, 1300 to

    Maya society

    The Maya were a Mesoamerica tribe which had a complex scoiety based on city states
    Maya glyphs writing has only been rediscoverin the last fity years
    Mayan religon was based on blood and corn, the gods had water the earth with their own blood and the Maya repaided them with the sacifice of their rulers blood
  • Dec 9, 1313

    The edict of Milian

    The edict that legalised Christianity in the Roman empire
  • Period: Dec 9, 1313 to Dec 9, 1337

    the reign of Constantine

    The first chrisian emperor
    Founded Constantinople
    Csme up the idea of divine right
  • Period: Dec 9, 1320 to Dec 9, 1550

    The Gupta dynasty

    The Gupta empire was Indias second attempt for a centeralised goverment.
    Became a alliance between diffrent regions
    Was destoryed by the white huns and disigrated back into regonal kingdoms
  • Dec 9, 1325

    The Council of Nicea

    The Council at constantiople which determined what chirstian theology was right.
    They determined that Christ was a human and God at the same Time
  • Dec 9, 1340

    The Transfer of power from Rome to Constantinople

  • Darius takes over

    Expands Empire East and West.
    Administrated the largest empire the world had yet seen.
    Centralized government
  • Persepolis built

    Capital of Achaemenid Empire
    Built by Darius
    Served as nerve center for Achaemenid empire
    Massive Ruins here today
  • Laws brought to single standard

    Didn't abolish Laws of individual areas, or peoples
    Just brought them to a closer uniform standard
  • Parthian's begin to take control from Seleucids

  • Parthians Consolidate hold on Iran and Mesopotamia

    Led by Mithradates I
  • Invasion of Persia by Darius

  • the Birth of the Roman Repbulic

    The last Roman king the tarquin is killed
  • Julius Ceasar comes to power

    Julius Ceasar killes his fellow tribunal members and becomes the Dictator of Rome
  • Julius Ceasar was Assinated

    On the ides of march Julius Ceasar was assinated by senators wishing to bring back the Roman Republic
  • Period: to

    Period of Warring States

    China is broken into kingdoms while the imperal goverment becomes a letter head
    The three Great eastern Philosphys emerge in this time period
  • Period: to 521

    Kong Fuzi alive

    Came from aristocratic family
    Tried to find influential role in one of the many warring states.
    Never found one
    Diciples found Confucianism
    Compiled in the Analects
    Didn't deal with anything that couldn't help during the PoWS
    Wanted to create people of extraordinary contience and education
  • Period: to

    Qin Dynasty

    Destroyed all other states during PoWS, claimed self emporer
    Created Stability
    Upon Emperor's death dynasty disolved
  • Period: to Dec 9, 1009

    Former Han Dynasty

    Liu Bang centralized rule almost imeadiatly
    Centralized and Decentralized rule
  • Period: to Dec 9, 1000

    Bactrian Empire in Northern India

    Originaly a provenicance in the Persian empire it was concoured by Alexander and after his death later became its own kingdom was concoured by the white huns which in turn destroyed the Gupta empire
  • Period: to Dec 9, 703

    The Reign of Chandragupta Maurya

    Chandragupta Mauarya was the founder of the Mauryan empire and started an empire that would last for a few generations
  • Period: to

    The Maurya Dyanasty

    Founded by Chandragupta Maurya
    lasted three generations
    Ended by Ashoka's death and a top heavy govermentaly system
  • Period: to

    The Pelponnesian War

    After the fall of the Pelponnesian leauge a defensive pact agaist the Persians sparta lead the leauge into a war with Atheans
    Sparta wins and conquers Atheans
  • Period: to

    Roman civil strife

    Rome falls apart due to the arstocrasyty owning much of the land and the majority of the population of rome jobless.
    Generals try to seise power and control of the empire
  • Period: to

    The rule of Augustus

    After Ceasars death agustus formed the second triumvirate which degenerated into a blood bath which Augustus won and then he went on to defet then rebels and so he started the Roman empire
  • Period: to Dec 9, 1476

    The Roman Empire

    The undisputed rulers of Europe and the Medditarranian in the classical era
    The most formitsable army in eurasia in the Classical era
  • Period: to

    The Roman Repblic

    Rome transfers from a monacrhy to a repblic
    the Repblic fopunds the base of the American Democarcy
    leads to the creation of the Roman empire