Class lesson- climate action

  • Period: to

    Industrial revolution

    -During Industrial revolution, things like cars were invented which increased the pollution rates making global warming worse.
  • John Tyndall

    John Tyndall
    • responsible for the discovery of greenhouse gases ( water vapour, carbon dioxide, etc.)
  • Period: to

    rising sea levels

    Oceans have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have decreased and the sea level has risen. From 1900 to 2010, the global average sea level rose by 19 cm as oceans expanded due to warming and ice melted. The sea ice extent in the Arctic has shrunk in every decade since 1979.
  • Global warming reports

    In 1938, scientist started paying special attention to global warming as the Earths temperature was rising quickly.
  • Climate summit

    Climate summit
    • A meeting on climate change in New York on September 23, 2014. - Their main goal was to take concrete action towards a low-carbon world.
  • climate march

    climate march
    One of the most recent strikes that is currently still in action is the #FridaysForFuture global climate action manifestation that occurred all over Australia and the world with 1.6 million protestors from 7 continents, 125 countries and more than 2000 locations on Friday, March 15 this year.