Class assignment

  • The start

    The start
    When the National Woman Suffrage Association started to form
  • First law

    First law
    Wyoming passes the first women's suffrage law

    This was the day that National Women Suffrage Association and American Women Suffrage Association merge to make NAWSA
  • Starting to vote

    Starting to vote
    Country by country was passing the law to let women vote and started with colorado
  • Colored women

    Colored women
    National association for colored women is formed
  • WTUL

    National Women's Trade Union League starts to form, improving wages for women
  • Amendment

    Alice Paul and Lucy Burns work to make the first amendment for women to have the right to vote
  • First womens clinic

    First womens clinic
    Margaret Sanger opens the first U.S. birth-control clinic in Brooklyn but then is shut down
  • Representatives

    The federal woman suffrage amendment is passed through the house of representatives
  • Bureau

    The Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor is formed, and is to collect information on women in the workforce