Una breve historia de la musica clasicismo haydn

clasicismo 1750 al 1820

  • 1784 BCE


    Allan Ramsay (1713 – 1784). Scottish painter who was noted for his realistic works, especially portraits.
  • Period: 1750 BCE to 1780 BCE


    This genre, born in the Baroque within aristocratic circles, will experience a change during Classicism, since the baroque excesses will be eliminated and the plot will tend to be natural and closer to the public.
  • 1752 CHANGE

    1752 CHANGE
    In 1752 a change occurred, as a traveling opera company settled in Paris and presented Pergolesi's famous opera buffa "La serva padrona". Its success was very great, to such an extent that two sides were created, one that will defend this type of opera and another that will be against it. This confrontation is known as "The jesters' quarrel."
  • 1770

    Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770 – 1844). Danish sculptor who stood out for his marble sculptures and reliefs made in churches, tombs and temples.
  • 1756 1791

    1756 – 1791). Austrian composer, pianist, violinist and conductor considered one of the most influential and geniuses in the history of classical music.
  • 1820

    German composer and pianist recognized for his works and for becoming a conductor of important orchestras, despite his health problems.