Sandy Creek Massacre
A Colorada state militia of 700 men attacked a peaceful camp of Cheyenne and Arapaho people. Between 70-163 indians were killed, most of which were women and children. -
Medicine Lodge Treaty
The U.S. Government and tribial chiefs met at a place for traditional ceremonies for Native Americans, at their reequest. Under this treaty, tribes were assigned reservations of smaller sizes than defined in an 1865 treaty. Many of the Tribial Elders were not happy of this, and many filed Law suits against the government, which the elders all lost, and soon they finally won -
Second treaty of Fort laramie
This was also known as the Sioux Treaty of 1868. The U.S. Government wanted to move the Ponca tribe from their sacred lands in Nebraska to poor lands in Oklahoma. They signed a treaty to ensure the civilization of the Ponca and Lakota to let them have farms. They also had to become "civilzed americans'' and become educated. -
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
A battle that took place in Northern Texas. This battle consisted of the Cheyenne, Comache, and Kiowa indian tribes. The number of casualtie was very low in this battle a total of 4 deaths only one U.S. calvarymen dead. This victory brought an end to the Red River War taking place during that time -
Battle of the Little Bighorn
A battle in the county of Big Horn in Montana. The tribes involved were the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and the Arapaho.This was the battle also known as "Custer's Last Stand" The Native American's lost 36-135 compared to the U.S.'s 268 killed. -
Relocation of the Nez Perce
The Nez Perce, led by Chief Joseph, were trying to make a retreat to Canada. The fought of U.S troops along the way. They finally had to surrender forty miles south of canada, their destination. -
The Capture of Geronimo
On September 4th, 1886, Geronimo surrendered to General Miles. Geronimo was then escorted to Fort Bowie and then he was moved to Florida where he died in 1909. Geronimo was never allowed to see his homelands again. Geronimo became a public figure and national celebrity in his old age. -
Ghost Dance movement begins
The dance was a dance for numerous Native American beliefs.
Jack Wilson a Wovoka's the proper practice dance would reunite the liveing with the spirits of the dead and bring peace, prosperity, and unity. The Western United States quickly. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
The U.S 7th cavalry division went in to disarm the Lakotas in the camp. On of the indians did not want to give up his rifle and it accidently went off. The cavalry reacted be shooting at the Lakotas. An estimated 300 people died that day.