Sand Creek Massacre
Seven hundred men from the Colorado militia attacked a friendly village. The village consisted of men, women, and children of both Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. Over one hundred indians were killed, majorily women and children. -
Medicine Lodge Treaty
It was a total of three treatys sighned between the United States government and southern plains indian tribes. It was saposed to create peace and relocate many indians to reservations. The three treatys were signed within eight days. -
2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie
It was a treaty between the United states and three large indian nations. It guarunteed the three nations the Black Hills. It resulted in total change of the Lakota culture. This treaty ended Red Cloud's War. -
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
It was a surprise attack of the Kiowa indian tribe by Colonel Mackenzie. The tribe stood no chance and many scattered, leaving few to protect the canyon. By the end of the day, the canyon was Mackenzies. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
The battle was between the three combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho indian tribes all against the U.S. Seventh Calvary. The Seventh Calvary consisted of around seven hundred men. The indian tribes wiped out George Custers Battalion and the U.S. suffered 286 casualties. -
Nez Purce War
After a series of battles and skirmishes, and retreating 1,170 miles, Chief Joseph surrendered. His "army" consisted of only 418 tribe members, that all surrendered with him. When he surrendered, he said, "I will fight no more forever." -
Capture of Geronimo
After running for over ten years and leading a large series of raids against both Mexican and White settlers, Geronimo finnaly surrendered. He surrendered at Senora, Mexico being largely outnumbered and exhausted. His band had only a few warriors, women, and children. -
Ghost Dance Movement
It started with a vision of a Lakota tribe leader by the name of Wovoka, who had a vision. As a result of the vision, he thought that the dance that was created would make the white settlers leave and the buffalo come back. The ghost dance ended with the Wounded Knee Massacre, -
Wounded Knee Massacre
At Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, a tribe of Lakota were surounded and encamped by the U.S. 7th Calcary Regiment. The next morning, while disarming the tribe, an accidental shot went off. This erupted a storm of chaos that resulted in around 200 Lakota and 31 U.S. trrops dead.