Sand Creek Massacre
A tribe of Cheyenne raided some farms in Colorado and the United States offered forgiveness if they moved to reservations. Chief Black Kettle he agreeded to peace and settled down.A group of 700 men from the territory of Colorado militia ignored the attempts at peace and attacked a tribe of friendly indians killing 70 to 163. Two-thrids of these numbers were women and childern. -
Medicie Lodge Treaty
A group of 3 treaties sign with the Kiowa. Comanche, Cheyenne and other tribes with the U.S. intened to bring peace to the area. It would move the Indians to reservations in Indian Territory and it would give them proteciton from white trepassers. -
2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie
Indian tribes were enraged with the massacre at Sand Creek. They started to raid even more than they had been and killing federal solidiers. The governement closed trails and signed a treaety with the tribes to bring peace to the area. -
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
Palo Duro Canyon was a Indian safe haven stocked with the supplies for the winter. Colonel Ronald S. Mckenzie found and destroyed this haven. Since the Indian camps were spread out along the cnayon they could not get a unified force together. -
Battle of Little Big Horn
It was a battle between the Arapho, Lakota and the Northern Cheyenne tribes against the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States. The Americans were lead by Colonel Custer. -
Relocation of the Nez Perce
After the Nez Perce War Chief Joseph surrendered. He was tired of the after his brother being killed and a lot of other people too. He surrendered and was taken to a reservation. -
Capture of Geronimo
Geronimo a rebel Indian who escaped from indian reserves multiple times to continue his former life of raiding Mexican villages. He was finaly captured and then sent to Florida where he spent the rest of his life. -
Ghost Dance Movement Begins
Was introduced by the Indian shawman Wovoka. He was given this dance in a dream he had. He prophesied a peaceful end to white settlement and the return of the buffalo. The Soldiers took this the wrong way and thought it was a war dance. The Ghost Dance was banned. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
Colonel James Forsyth was sent in with his troops to disarm the Indians. One Indian didn't want to give up his gun and in the struggle to take it a shot was accidently fired and everyone started shooting. Over 150 men, women and childern were killed and 25 soldiers were also killed.