Sand Creek Massacre
Euro-American miners flooded across the region in search of gold in the Colorado's Rocky Mountains. Tensions rose between the Native Americans and the new settlers. Govenor Evans went out to meet with Black Kettle to forge a new peace treaty. Chivington moved his troops to the Plains. They attacked the unsuspecting Native Americans. 148 Native Americans were slaughtered, half were women and children. -
Medicine Lodge Treaty
This is an overall name for three treaties signed between the U.S. government and southern Plains Indian tribes, intended to bring peace to the area by relocating the Native Americans to reservations in Indian territory and away from European-American settlement. Under the treaty, the tribes were assigned reservations of a smaller size compared to territories defined in a 1865 treaty. -
2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie
This was an agreement between the United States and the Lakota nation, Yanktonai Sioux, Santee Sioux, and Arapho signed it in 1868 at Fort Laramie. It guaranteed the Lakota ownership of the Black Hills, and further land hunting rights in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.The treaty also ended Red Cloud's war. -
Ghost Dance Movement
The Ghost Dance Movement was a manifestation of Native Americans fear, anger, and hope regarding the U.S. army, and white invaders. It began in Walker Lake Reservation, it was initiated by Wodziwob. He declared that Indians could create a new paradise by perfoming a new series of rituals. The U.S. government thought it was a war dance, so they put it to an end. -
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Ghost Dance Movement
The Ghost Dance Movment was a manifestation of Native Americans fear, anger, and hope regarding the U.S. army, and white invaders. It began in Walker Lake Reservation, it was initiated by Wodziwob, He declared that Indians could create a new paradise by performing a new series of rituals. The U.S. government thought it was a war dance, so they wanted to put a stop to it. -
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
This was a major battle of the Red River War. Ranald Mckenzie led his 4th U.S. cavalry from the south in to trap the Indians in their refuge. It was supposed to be a surprise attack but the Indians were informed about it. Mckenzie's soldiers had defeated the idians. The Indians fled, but some stayed to fight. Mckenzie's cavalry caught 1,400 ponies. 40 of them were given to Johnson and 300 others were given to the soldiers. The other ponies were killed. -
Battle of the Little Big Horn
This battle was a major victory for the Plains Indians. General Custer's 7th cavalry suffered an embarrassing defeat by warriors led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. Custer's cavalry was outnumbered by the Indians. -
Relocation of Nez Perce
The U.S. government ordered the Nez Perce to relocate by June 14, 1877. The Nez Perce decided that instead of relocating they would flee to Canada. The Nez Perce tribe had to fight the U.S. army all the way to Canada. They finally decided to surrender and relocate in Montana. -
Capture of Geronimo
Geronimo's family and tribe was attacked by Mexican troops. The troops killed his wife and children, along with horses taken and supplies. Geronimo turned into a bold warrior, he joined a fierce band of Apache known as Chiricahua.They took part in numerous raids in northern Mexico. the U.S. authorities tried to stop him. Finally in 1886 Geronimo surrendered to the authorities. He later regreted doing it because he was never allowed back on his home land. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
This massacre was a conflict between the Native Americans and representatives of the U.S. government. U.S. army 7th cavalry surrounded a band of ghost dancers and demanded they surrender their weapons. A fight broke out, and 150 Indians were killed.