Clara Barton's Life Timeline

  • Clara's birth

    Clara was born in Massachusetts. She was the youngest of five kids.
  • Clara's medical career starts

    Clara's brother is injured for two years so she takes care of him.
  • Clara get's her first job

    After a career in teaching, Clara moved on to work in the patent office as a copier. This put her in Washington, closer to the action when the Civil War began.
  • Clara takes care of wounded soldiers

    After a war battle many wounded soldiers arrived in Washington D.C. Clara found them, and she used her own supplies to tend them.
  • Clara sets up center for the wounded

    Clara put an ad in Worchester Spy, asking for supplies for the wounded. She had a great response, and she set up a center to care for the wounded.
  • Clara goes into the battle fields

    Clara received official approval for her travel to the battlefields to care for the wounded.
  • Clara learns of Red Cross

    Clara travelled to Europe so that she could recover from her health issues. In Europe, she learned of the International Red Cross.
  • Clara works to establish an American Red Cross in America

    After returning to America, Clara worked hard to establish a Red Cross in America. She wrote and distributed a pamphlet called The Red Cross of the Geneva Convention.
  • The American Red Cross is formed

    Clara succeeded in forming the American Red Cross. She was elected its first president.
  • Red Cross's first mission

    In late 1881, Michigan was ravaged by forest fires. The Red Cross stepped in and rebuilt 50 homes.
  • Clara publishes a book on the American Red Cross

    Clara published a book called A Story of the Red Cross.
  • Clara publishes an autobiography

    Clara's autobiography was titled The Story of My Childhood.
  • Clara dies

    Clara Barton died in her home at the age of 90. Her legend of helping the wounded and finding the missing has lived on with the American Red Cross.