Cb 1

Clara Barton - Angel of the Battlefield

  • Clara Barton's Birth

    Clara Barton's Birth
    Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821 in North Oxford, Massachusetts. Clara Barton was the youngest of 5. There was Stephen, Dolly, Sally,and David. Her parnets names were Stephen and Sarh Stone Barton.
  • Nurse to Be

    Nurse to Be
    When Clara was 11 David fell. The doctor was afraid he would die. Clara begged to be his nurse. Her parents said yes.
  • Free for All

    Free for All
    When Clara was older she moved to New Jersy were she was surpised to see there were no free shcools. Clara opened the first free school in New Jersy. It was a success!
  • Washington

    Clara Barton went to Washington because she was very disappointed when they didn't pick her to be principal. She moved to Washington and got a job as a clerk in the U.S. Patent office.
  • Battlefield

    In 1862, Clara got permission to go Civil War battlefields and bring supplies. When she got there there were no band-aids, Clara solved that problem. Clara would have gone earlier but she needed permission because women were not supposed to go.
  • Switzerland/Red Cross

    Switzerland/Red Cross
    Clara went to Geneva Switzerland and met Dr. Louis Appia and learned about the International Red Cross. 32 nations joined the International Red Cross alredy.
  • Clara returns

    Clara returns to the US to start to build the US Red Cross.
  • American Red Cross

    American Red Cross
    Clara succeeds in creating the American Red Cross. She is the first presidnet of the Red Cross, at age 59.
  • Clara retires from Red Cross

    Clara retires from Red Cross
    Clara retires from the Red Cross. She was the president for 23 years.
  • Clara dies

    Clara dies
    Clara dies at her home. She is 90 years old.