By 56808
  • First unified day-night police force

    New York
  • Pendleton Act

    Creates the U.S. Civil Service Commision to combat patronage and corruption
  • Frontier is closed

    Federal government announces the frontier is closed and marks the onset of the swift transition to an urbanized society
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    Lexow Committee

    Established by NY state to examine police corruption
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    The temperance movement grew out of church organizations leading to the outlaw of alcohol and can be viewed in part as pro-family legislation
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    National Commission on Law Observance and Law Enforcement

    Also known as the Wickersham Commision. The committee published its report, 14 volumes, recommending civil service protections for police and enhanced training/education
  • FBI National Academy

    The IACP and FBI establishes the FBI National Academy
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    World War II

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    Vietnam War

  • California POST

    Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission set the minimum standards for selection and training of police officers
  • Vietnam

    Approximately 3,500 Marines sent into Vietnam as the first major combat unit deployment of the conflict
  • Miranda

    The Supreme Court decision after Miranda v. Arizona placing restrictions on police interrogations
  • First Mass Murder on an American University Campus

    Charles Whitman shot and killed 14 people (wounding 32 others) on the University of Texas Campus. This act pushed the transformation of Campus unarmed security into professional police agencies
  • Vietnam protestors shot and killed by the Government

    4 Kent State student protestors were killed by the Ohio National Guard when they began shooting into the gathered protestors
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    New Policing Strategies

    Community-oriented policing (COP), zero tolerance policing (ZTP), evidence-based policing (EBP), among others were implemented and researched.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Timothy McVeigh detonated a large amount of explosives destroying the Oklahoma Federal Buidling, Killing 168 people, and wounding 500 others.
  • 9/11 Terror Attack

    Al-Qaeda members launched an attack, flying 3 hijacked commercial planes into buildings. A fourth plane was hijacked but was prevented from flying into its targeted building by the passengers and crew on board.
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    When does use of force become excessive

    A number of high profile use of force cases have come under scrutiny during this time. These cases have driven change in much of the nations policing policies. These incidents have also forced difficult conversations both inside of and outside of police agencies at every level of the government.
  • Broad brush police reform

    Firstly, I want to acknowledge that many of the police reforms are steps in the right direction to closing the gap that has formed between the Police and the communities they are supposed to serve. Unfortunately, in many instances politics have overpowered levelheaded communication while legislation has been pushed through in order to appease the masses with little to no review.